The Council has a new President and Vice President following the Reorganization Meeting held last night.
I had made it known to some that I would (more…)
The Council has a new President and Vice President following the Reorganization Meeting held last night.
I had made it known to some that I would (more…)
If you’ve fueled up your car and gone shopping, you’re wondering how the government has come up with the number of only 6.8 percent inflation. (more…)
For most people, what the Fed does in trying to control the economy seems to keep our attention only for the 30 seconds it takes (more…)
Most of you are probably aware I won re-election as Councilman, and I won the position of West Easton Constable, but what I wasn’t aware (more…)
I was on Facebook yesterday and got one of those, “People You May Know” listings on my page. One caught my attention, because it was (more…)
I had some time to look at the results from Tuesday’s election and I’m a bit baffled in what to make of the numbers. West (more…)