There may be some filled seats at the Council Meeting on Monday night if residents are concerned about their future costs for trash removal.
Monday’s meeting may decide who is awarded the trash service contract. Continue reading
There may be some filled seats at the Council Meeting on Monday night if residents are concerned about their future costs for trash removal.
Monday’s meeting may decide who is awarded the trash service contract. Continue reading
Friends since boyhood, Spencer Stone, Alek Skarlatos, and Anthony Sadler are now three young Americans who went from tourists in France, to France’s national heroes this past Friday. “The Arras Heroes,” the French are calling them, in reference to the train station and town where a foiled terrorist attack came to a conclusion.
In the few minutes it took them to overpower a terrorist on a train carrying 500 passengers they not only prevented a massacre, but also represented to the world our own country’s refusal to cower in the face of terrorism. Continue reading
You may have read recently the controversy that started when Easton’s Mayor Panto took it upon himself to lower a government flag to half staff on Saturday night, to honor 5 servicemen killed in a terrorist style assault by a lone gunman in Chattanooga, Tennessee, on July 16th. Continue reading
West Easton continues to fall prey to petty thieves. Although we don’t get any coverage from local papers about the problem, we definitely have the same one that Palmer, Easton, and other surrounding communities are being reported about.
A Pennsylvania State Trooper stopped by my house this morning. I thought the law had caught up to me and found the body of my ex-wife, but it turns out she just wanted me to review my video tapes from last night. Continue reading
I previously wrote about the thefts from unlocked cars in West Easton, during the early morning hours of June 7th.
I finally got my flash drive back from the PA State Police. This video and another was given to the PSP for them to copy off the flash drive. I’m having a problem downloading the 2nd camera recording, but will update this post when I find a solution.
White male with possible facial hair, 5’8″ – 5’10”, slender build, large tan hikers backpack with possible bed mat below, light colored boonie hat with band.
Remember to lock your car doors at night! Continue reading
It seems any information wanted from our borough requires a Right To Know Law request.
Public information, such as the 2014 West Easton Audit should not require an RTKL, but that’s what one resident was told he’d have to do at the last council meeting. The 2014 audit shows how much money West Easton had spent and accumulated last year. It also shows how much money was carried over to begin 2015. Keep in mind that not included in these numbers is money West Easton will generate from fees and taxes during 2015. Continue reading