Got your popcorn ready? It was a long meeting.
Public Comment Session: Mezzacappa gets schooled about public comment rights and when information about her lawsuit can be made public (that which is made public in open court). Asks Council to censure me.
Mayors Report: Police coverage, street lighting. Engineers Report: Road repair projects. Solicitors Report: Discussion about Codification, Mezzacappa Litigation (for Executive Session). Office Report: Hiring of a part-time summer help worker completed, dedication of Gerald W. Gross Park heads to Committee for final planning, New MS4 Storm drain requirements, Advertising for new Borough Manager approved.
Council Round Table: Discussion of possible pet waste stations at parks, property maintenance, zoning issues including properties with bad curbs and sidewalks, motion made for rebate of late fees on waste/sewer bills (failed for lack of second), Borough Hall appearance (lawn, cobblestone, parking lot, etc.), inflatable pools with electric filters, more discussion about street lighting and approaching Wilson Borough about police coverage
Old Business: Borough Hall roof patch completed. Approval of a portable generator for Borough Hall.
New Business: I request and receive a change of Committee (Legal) to ease Council’s barrage of complaints from Mezzacappa and allow Council to concentrate on community needs.
Final Public Comment Session: A resident raises question about a peddler selling meat from a truck in the Borough (They need a $20 business license). Another resident informs Council about trash along a strip of land along Lehigh Drive, believed to be privately owned.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.