A West Easton resident addressed Council at the November 4th meeting, asking them if they could stop a Mezzacappa Right To Know (RTK) Request that seeks documentation on all the resident’s payment history and tax information the borough has on record.
The resident isn’t the first private citizen (a person not in an elected position) to come under attack from Mezzacappa, who uses the RTK Law as a weapon, rather than for the public good.
Another private citizen had previously came under attack when Mezzacappa merely suspected the person of having revealed where the RAV4 she once owned was being hidden. Her car was being sought as part of a monetary judgment against her, from a defamation lawsuit she lost.
In that personal attack on the first private citizen, Mezzacappa also posted a past monetary judgment against the resident on Facebook, along with a lengthy and nasty tirade about the individual.
What did this latest victim of Mezzacappa’s rage do, to put them on the receiving end of our constable’s retaliation?
It began when the resident left a comment on a Constable Mezzacappa Facebook post, regarding President Trump. The resident commented that President Trump is an, “ass.”
While a somewhat sane Trump supporter might respond to the comment with alternative facts to support their position he isn’t an ass, that unforgivable “crime” of opinion, that differed from Mezzacappa’s, was enough to initiate a personal attack that included a past monetary judgment. It came complete with an emoji representing Mezzacappa laughing so hard, it brings tears to her eyes.

Mezzacappa then followed up with the RTK Request to the borough, seeking missed and late payment information on the resident.
Facebook is Mezzacappa’s middle school bathroom wall. A palette to spread her nonsense, incorrect conclusions, false accusations, and personal attacks.
Regrettably, there appears little West Easton can do to prevent the release of much of the information being sought by our Constable.
The public, who were in attendance and heard the action our Constable took against this resident, were hardly surprised. We are a small community and the history of Mezzacappa is well known.
West Easton Solicitor Steve Goudzousian explained to the resident that because most of the information is public record, and the way the RTKL is currently written, it is unlikely that the borough can prevent its release.
It’s one reason the Vexatious Requester Resolution that I wrote and Council approved may, hopefully, become the catalyst for amending the current RTK Law. It’s not for making government more secretive, as Mezzacappa claims, but to offer protection from people like her.
This is our Constable; An individual unworthy of public trust and incapable of honesty. One who tries to terrorize and demean everyone and everything who stands in opposition to her warped perception of reality, or her attempts to demonize anything she disagrees with.
A memorial to fallen military heroes, community improvement projects, a police department, supporting our volunteer fire company, public officials, and now, private citizens. Everything and everyone is fodder for her hate and vindictiveness, though she fails to see it is this path she has chosen that has created her own problems.
The most recent example of her actions against others backfiring is her impending trial for filing a false police report with the PSP. She is scheduled for trial to face that charge on February 3, 2020. The possibility of up to 1 year in jail and a $2500 fine could be the result.
Hopefully, she will be removed from a position she won with only 11 votes in an uncontested race. If she is, we won’t have to wait two more years to do it ourselves, when voters get the opportunity to correct a past mistake.
Note: I intentionally have not named the residents mentioned and have redacted their identifying information for this post.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.