Informal public meetings regarding a proposed Quality of Life Ordinance will meet today at 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. in council chambers, located at Borough Hall. Originally scheduled for February 9th, they had to be re-scheduled due to the winter storm that arrived on that date.
The ordinance is currently still in Committee. That Committee wants your input.
Councilman Paul James and other Councilmen on the Legal Committee want to know the concerns of residents in order to present an ordinance to the full council for a vote. They also want to revise, or improve on existing ordinances that would fall under this new “umbrella” ordinance, which would cover all Quality of Life types of ordinances.
Many of the existing ordinances are outdated and some penalties are likely unenforceable.
Among the items Mr. James and Council is hoping to accomplish is to put some “teeth” into the ordinances and make penalties reasonable and enforceable, such as a warning for a first offense, with increasing tiers of fines if a violation isn’t corrected, or repeats.
At least one resident posted on their Facebook account that Council is trying to “change West Easton for the worse.” Third-hand reports were told to me that verbally people were being told Council is trying to turn West Easton into a “Homeowners Association” type of community.
That is so far from the truth.
It’s simply an attempt to get some residents to have common courtesy toward their neighbors by maintaining their property, and updating some ordinances to meet the modern world. Inflatable pools (with electric powered filters) and the operation of drones are two items I can think of off the top of my head that aren’t addressed in any ordinance.
Or, it could be something as simple as enforcing the use of garbage receptacles when putting out trash. Tired of your neighbor using plastic bags that get torn open and spread around by pests overnight? A warning of an impending fine the next time it happens might have them buying a proper garbage can, rather than paying the Borough a $25(?) fine.
If you have concerns about the proposed ordinance, whether it be your opinions of fine amounts, or your fear that West Easton is going to require something extraordinary from residents, then I urge you to get the facts at one of the meetings from those who are currently working on it – not from rumors.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.