I was on Facebook yesterday and got one of those, “People You May Know” listings on my page. One caught my attention, because it was a bizarre throwback from more than 20 years ago. A time when I believed in love, trust, and loyalty.
We met at a Christmas party. Though we had the same birthday, she was 7 years older. We ended up living together. It was the closest I had come to a second marriage, even putting a down payment on an engagement ring just before it ended.
It would have been a surprise for her, as I had told her from the beginning I had no intention of marrying a second time. Though she originally said she didn’t expect marriage, it was clear she hoped for marriage soon after we began our relationship.
I planned on proposing Christmas Day, after what would have been two years of what I thought was a solid relationship. My plan was to buy a home the following year.
Due to some good stock purchases the previous 3 years and having saved money doing cable work, I was fairly flush in savings, but never revealed it to her. The last thing I wanted was someone who latched onto me, who expected me to totally support her. Been there. Done that.
As it turned out, the relationship wasn’t as solid as I thought. I think it was September when I discovered she was banging her boss at a second job she started a couple of months earlier, working part-time. To make a long story short, I booted her ass out.
Though, instead of kicking her to the curb immediately, I took some time in order to get money back she owed me, and continue getting side benefits when I had the urge.
Before I revealed I knew about her and her boss, I got my money back from a ROTH IRA I funded for her, and the profit it made. She got stuck with the tax penalties. I had her catch up on bills we split for rent and utilities.
I admit I was curious when I saw that “People You May Know,” so I visited her Facebook page. Apparently, she’s still unmarried. I’m guessing her boss from 20 years ago turned out to be uncommitted to more than an occasional booty call.
She hasn’t aged well. She’s well beyond her Botox injections helping her look younger, as she did when she was 50.
What really astounded me was her political turn to the GOP Right-wing MAGA Cult and her embracing the hate propaganda from Trump supporters.
I don’t know if it was the influence of her family, her advanced years, or her financially better-off sister who married into money, but the person I knew as a Democrat that supported the rights of minorities (for good reason) and was pro-choice, has become a Trump-loving election denier.
Her page shares baseless conspiracy theories, she thinks the Pillow Guy is a hero, and January 6th was a peaceful demonstration by patriots.
She believes Tucker Carlson and that other liar, Hannity. To state it bluntly, she went nuts and became stupid.
I was especially amused when I saw a meme she posted, about turning the clock back to a time of loyalty and trust.
I realize God did me a favor way back then, as I must have had an angel on my shoulder. There’s no way I could have remained married to a full-blown MAGA cult member, who drank the right-wing Kool-aid.
Susan Bryant, Sue Bryant, Susan A. Bryant, Pennsylvania
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.