This past Friday morning I took a seat in Courtroom 10, at the Northampton County Courthouse. On the Docket was Mezzacappa v. The Borough of West Easton. It will be some time before the Judge decides the matter.
It’s the latest litigation filed in April by resident Tricia Mezzacappa, in which she seeks a large monetary award. She alleges the willful failure of the Borough to provide her with all Right To Know information she asked for, and contempt for the failure to pay monies she claims the Borough owes her.
It appears the honeymoon period with Mezzacappa has ended for West Easton taxpayers, as she has reversed course since May of 2015, when she was a candidate for Council and contacted the court about dropping complaints against West Easton.
Mezzacappa told the Judge that she could have, by her calculations, filed for over $700,000 in compensation allowed by law, but she “capped” these latest complaints at $25,000 each.
It was revealed in court that Mezzacappa wanted $800 from the Borough – more than the approximately $140 she was allowed on a successful Office of Open Records appeal. Mezzacappa also believes that she did not receive all the Treasurer Reports and other information she requested of the Borough.
West Easton Solicitor Steve Goudsouzian informed the Court that Mezzacappa received all the Treasurer Reports that could be found and other documentation, once he believed he determined what it was she was seeking, following additional email correspondence with her, as her original request was less than specific. He also stated, if it was simply a matter of her wanting $800, he would pay it himself, independent of West Easton Council’s decision of whether she was owed that amount. Additionally, he noted to the Judge that if Mezzacappa believed she did not receive all the information she wanted, he would provide what exists, if she would provide him with specifics of exactly what documentation she is still seeking.
The Judge, more than once, asked Mezzacappa if she had gotten $800, would she be there?
“Probably not,” Mezzacappa finally admitted, making her posturing of desiring transparency even more transparent.
The Judge has allowed both sides time to conduct depositions, in order to gather evidence that he will review.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.