
Director Of Mary Meuser Library Makes Presentation


Mr. Dan Redington, Director of Mary Meuser Library, made a presentation to the West Easton Council at the February 13th meeting.

Mr. Redington wanted to share with Council the 2016 Annual Report of the library. Circulation, patron count, and other information was included.

He made note of the Access PA Inter-library Loan Program. The program allows Mary Meuser Library to obtain books from other libraries throughout the country, if a book sought by a patron isn’t available locally. He also provided those in attendance with library applications for those who were not members, or who wished to update their membership information.

Brick & mortar libraries seem to be holding their own despite predictions at the turn of the century that many would close their doors due to computers becoming commonplace in households and book downloading services such as Kindle. Libraries, including Mary Meuser Library compete by providing Internet access and computers for patrons. Mary Meuser Library has 7 computer stations available to the public. Mr. Redington noted that there are still some families who don’t have computers, or are unable to afford Internet access.

A West Easton library card from Mary Meuser allows for members to go to Easton Library if they wish to download ebooks. “That is part of the agreement [Mary Meuser] have with the Easton Library,” said Redington. Mary Meuser still maintains audio books on CD and DVD, but cassettes have gone the way of the dinosaur – extinct with Walkman players.

Mr Redington also provided some history of the building, located at 1803 Northampton St., Easton. It was built in 1924 as a wedding gift from Frederick Meuser to his wife, Mary. As small as it is by todays standard, it was considered a “mansion” at the time.

Now aged, the area behind the building known as the “Sunken Garden” will need to be addressed. Mr. Redington said a wall at the Sunken Garden will have to be repaired due to damage from years of water runoff. “If properly dealt with we could take that Sunken Garden area, put chairs down there, and have an outdoor reading area,” stated Mr. Readington.

According to a 2013 survey by the Pew Internet and American Life Project, 54% of Americans ages 16 and older have used a public library in some way in the past 12 months. Over 94% of Americans say that “having a public library improves the quality of life in a community.” Children use a library in comparable numbers to the elderly.

Recent growth in public library usage is likely driven by the recent recession, as patrons still take advantage of affordable entertainment, internet access, job search assistance and educational resources.

At the same time, public funding of libraries has declined precipitously. While libraries have a positive reputation, it is unclear that citizens prioritize libraries over other government services when budgets must be cut.

West Easton Council approved an $8400 donation to Mary Meuser Library this year, as West Easton residents are served by Mary Meuser Library.

Mary Meuser Library holds a number of events and activities throughout the year, including the regular event of, Tales For Tots, on Thursdays and Fridays at 10:30 am.

For information on getting a library card, CLICK HERE.

Get Discover Card - Get $50!

For more information on Library events, or to request information on using the Library Annex for your group meeting, contact the library at 610-258-3040 or

Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.