Tricia Mezzacappa, aka Tricia Phillips, is still posting comments on Lehigh Valley Live (LVL). She created yet another username.
She had been previously removed using “Deeznuts” as her registered name. Today, she is back as, “Deesgrace”. Originality isn’t her strong suit.
So far, more than 72 comments have been posted on LVL in less than a day. Of course, they all try to disparage me, as she posts about driving a bus, drinking beer, and used toilets. More than one mentions a website I owned more than 5 years ago, which was more than ample evidence it is cRaZy behind the new persona, as she wrote about it on her old hate blog she removed long ago, and nobody but her would remember.
That and the fact that only someone with the intense hatred Mezzacappa has, would devote an entire day to posting on LVL, impersonating me.
She waited until a Sunday, likely because her comments will stand until tomorrow, when someone is back in the office at LVL and her newest account will be removed.
She’s already had multiple accounts obliterated, but she just gets a new email address through the multiple free services that exist.
One thing that can be gathered from her latest tirade, as a 10 year-old using the Internet, is that she is either off her meds, or started her wine drinking earlier than usual.
She is definitely on “Full Tilt.” That’s a poker players reference for someone who has lost most of their chips playing a bad hand and blows up mentally, lashing out at those around them. They start playing more losing hands and making stupid decisions, rather than just getting up from the table.
For Mezzacappa, she is obviously seeing the end of any type of productive life and future, which is why she is more bat-shit cRaZy than usual. She methodically chipped away any chance of a future, as she attacked multiple people and her community time and time again through her hateful and vindictive screeds over the years.
She’s cut off from the family money, her successful sisters are taking her to court, she’s facing trial for filing a false police report, she has to answer another charge of disorderly conduct, she can’t find a decent job, she’s drowning in debt, a lien was put on her home for failing to pay school taxes, and her life is in the toilet (Note: a used toilet, since she bought a used home).
I get that she is jealous of me and anyone else with a productive life. My prospects are on the rise. In short time I will be retiring with a nice monthly income from my workplace and plan to move on to another job, while working on a new business venture. I have medical benefits provided by my employer and when I finally decide to collect Social Security, the years I’ve put into the system will provide another source of income.
Mezzacappa, a good Republican and Trump zombie, has to accept Obama Care from the government, making her one of those “leeches” on society, that she calls others of being, when they accept government assistance.
I get that she is angry with me. None of her bullying tactics worked as she planned. Instead of slinking away, fearful of what she would write as most do, I responded with facts regarding the stupidity of her accusations. It exposed her for the vindictive and hateful person she is. Every time she tried to discredit me, she ended up with egg on her face and being exposed a little bit more for the mentally unstable person she is.
From her accusation I sent her a virus in an email, which was actually sent by a constable and contained no virus, to me owning Hostgator.com – a $250 million company, she tried and failed to find anything to use against me. My Honorable Discharge being impugned by her. My sending Malware to borough computers was claimed by her. Accusations of stealing a toilet. So much more, and through it all, people realized more than ever that she makes allegations without proof, and she outright lies.
She couldn’t defeat me in an election, nor force my resignation through false accusations, as she often demanded from Council. She couldn’t get me fired from my job, or arrested on bogus charges, though she tried. She continued to lose at every turn, making her more frustrated and angry.
I am the splinter in her mind. I took the red pill (ref., The Matrix ) and have no regrets in exposing her for what she is. Of course, I can’t take all the credit. She provided the evidence with her actions and social media posts.
She has no credibility, respect, or self control. Potential employers see it, as does law enforcement and hopefully, the judicial system will see it.
The Lehigh Valley knows her name and not in a good way. When you write a letter supporting murderer Rockne Newell, or attempt to sabotage progress and improvements for your own community, people tend to remember you. Especially when you have done nothing good during a miserable existence.
It’s a terrible thing for our community when the name of one resident, Mezzacappa, has others in the Lehigh Valley expressing thanks that they don’t live in West Easton.
If a Sheriff’s Sale is headed her way, let’s all hope it happens sooner, rather than later.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.