Council members are reviewing a draft edition of the codification of all ordinances in West Easton.
An attempt to codify the ordinances was made by Council members on the Legal Committee back in 2016, but it was quickly realized that the task of codification was far too complex and required a level of legal expertise that members of the committee did not possess.
Codification requires a review of all ordinances and resolutions to determine what provisions are of a general and permanent nature and have not been repealed or superseded by more recent legislation. Once identified, these materials are included in the code.
Council determined the best course of action was to have its solicitor, Mr. Steve Goudsouzian, complete the project. The draft was presented to Council at January’s meeting.
After the review of the draft is completed by Council and any subsequent changes agreed upon, a vote will be taken to accept the new codification.
The codification – or organization – of ordinances is an essential part of the governmental function. It provides both local governments and citizens with a body of current, enforceable laws, in a way that makes the code easy to use and reference.
Codification was especially needed for the future law enforcement officers of West Easton to perform their duties by having quick reference to ordinance information, without having to go through multiple books of ordinances, as they are now.
Codification streamlines the various subject matter of ordinances and resolutions into chapters, such as administrative, public works, traffic, business regulations, criminal offenses, and many more.
Ultimately, the codified ordinances will be available online in a searchable format that will allow residents to more easily find information on our local laws.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.