With the Primary having ended and my time no longer being diverted, I can now get back to the business of West Easton and give you some updates.
Part-time Police:
Two ordinances were approved by Council on May 8th to be advertised. Advertising the ordinances allows progress to continue in establishing a part-time law enforcement agency. Both Ordinances will be advertised in the Express-Times. Advertising is required by law.
The first ordinance is for the establishment of a part-time police force in West Easton. The 2nd Ordinance is the establishment of the position of a Police Chief.
Road Work
The owner of Asphalt Maintenance Systems (AMS) made a presentation to Council and the public in order for people to understand the process of resurfacing the roads that have been done and will continue through 2018. He explained the difference between soft asphalt (the first layer covered by loose aggregate) and hard asphalt (the protective layer), among other basics. He also answered numerous questions from both the public and Council about the condition of our roads.
2nd Street Storm Water Project
The engineer from Barry Isett & Associates provided preliminary plans on how the excess water would be collected and diverted to prevent further damage to homes and sidewalks along 2nd Street. There will be catch basins added and underground water drain lines will end up going to an existing spillway, to avoid the need for new DEP permits. There is a possibility that two ADA ramps may have their locations set back from the corners, but the costs of including a change in the ramps location may be a factor that prevents it.
Municipal Building Roof Inspection
Council re-visited the motion that approved an engineer evaluating the materials needed for replacing the roof on the Municipal Building. The motion was rescinded and Council instead voted to get 3 quotes from certified roofers who will provide Council pricing for the job. All quotes must meet exact specifications provided them regarding materials that will be used. This will prevent one roofer quoting 15 year shingles, or lighter felt at a lower price, versus a roofer whose quote might be higher because he anticipated installing better materials.
I should have the video of the May 8th Council Meeting, in which these and other subjects were discussed, uploaded tomorrow.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.