Please Pass The Salt

International Salt Company, one of the few companies to move into the Keystone Opportunity Improvement Zone at the site of the former U.S. Steel Corp. in Fairless Hills.
International Salt Company, one of the few companies to move into the Keystone Opportunity Improvement Zone at the site of the former U.S. Steel Corp. in Fairless Hills.

One of the cheapest and most abundant commodities on earth seems to be in short supply this winter.

Road salt is on many town and city wish lists, but nobody seems to be able to get what they need. Continue reading

Congressman Matt Cartwright Says Hello

cartwright-syriaI got on Congressman Matt Cartwright’s mailing list when I wrote to him and Sen. Pat Toomey last year with my opinion against getting involved in Syria.

At the time, both were officially undecided in supporting President Obama’s desire to put some missiles up Syrian President Assad’s ass over the alleged use of chemical weapons on civilians, by government forces. Continue reading

You Can’t Shovel It

shovel Ice. We’re expecting some tomorrow when snow changes over to sleet and ice.

Considering the amount of snow we are getting I thought it would be nice to share what I found from “experts” on the Internet who apparently know how to shovel it.

Snow, that is. Continue reading

Thank Your Mailman (Person)

Postal CarrierDon’t blame your mailperson (today’s PC version of, “mailman”) that you’re paying 49 cents for a stamp, or that the U.S. Postal Service wants to eliminate Saturday deliveries of letters. Mail is still in your mailbox six day days a week and still arrives one day of the weekend.

Today is nationally recognized as Thank A Mailman Day, so let’s take a moment to thank the mail carrier who is responsible for getting us our bills and junk mail without trampling through the flower bed too often. Continue reading