Both Democrats and Republicans saw the writing on the wall.
Anyone watching the vote tallies coming in and reported by the major networks could see that Joe Biden was going to take Pennsylvania and Nevada. Anyone could see that Biden will likely end up with 5 million more than Trump in the national popular vote, when the counting is done. Anyone could see where Trump took a 4 point advantage among Independents in 2016, Biden was running a 14 point advantage among Independents in 2020.
Anyone who isn’t cRaZy, that is.

One cRaZy has made her usual insane fuss about my personal blog. My calling the election before anyone else sent her into another psychotic episode. That person can now sew her Trump flag into a pillow, stuff it, and have something to cry into.
In my previous posts I had been giving my opinion that President Trump lost the election, before the major networks, including FOX, finally declared now President-elect Joe Biden, the winner.
Unlike FOX, I didn’t call Arizona early. My multiple crystal balls were all cloudy on Arizona in the beginning, just as they still are on Georgia.
Despite my calls to these networks that my crystal balls, cups of tea leaves, and thrown chicken bones were all in agreement on Pennsylvania, they waited until today to accept the conclusions of my scientific methods.
I’m sure during the next election my phone will be ringing off the hook.
“Matt, what do your chicken bones tell you?”, they’ll ask.
Chicken bones always need confirmation. They’ll have to wait until I finish my tea and polish my balls.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.