The West Easton Council meeting on Monday brought about discussion of acquiring a small strip of land located along Ridge Street, just above Spring Street.
Though I had difficulty following the discussion, the strip of land apparently has a $1300 tax lien against it and cannot be used for building a home, due to its narrow width and a right of way would be needed from the borough in order to access it.
Councilman Tom Nodoline, a part owner of the land, is basically offering it to the borough for the cost of the taxes owed, as it has no value to him, but he must pay taxes for it every year.
The land runs along property already owned by the borough and because West Easton will need a public works building, Nodoline suggested use of the property can be for that building and a storage facility for road salt, which West Easton will no longer buy from, or bring in from the city of Easton by the truck load. West Easton will be purchasing road salt from Palmer Nursery – no doubt a decision made in response to the city of Easton refusing to contract with us in providing police protection.
Mr. Nodoline estimated the width of the property to be, “about 20 feet wide.” He also stated that macadam is already on the property, providing a base for a storage structure.
The property would be obtained through the implementation of “eminent domain” proceedings.
The West Easton Council voted to have the borough solicitor proceed with investigating acquiring the land, with Mr. Nodoline abstaining from voting, due to his interest in the property.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.