Our West Easton Constable, Tricia Mezzacappa, spoke at the Public Comments portion of last night’s Council Meeting.
She started out well, asking a legitimate question about the lack of a Borough Complaint Form on the borough’s website. Our Borough Manager said she would get it on the website. I had a brief hope that her comments might actually continue making some positive contribution to the Borough, but that hope was short-lived.
Her next comment was the same old Mezzacappa, trying once again to cast a shadow on my Honorable Discharge from military service.
Having been already been proved a fool at December’s council meeting, she was back for a second bite at the apple, desperately trying to create controversy where none exists, as she prepares yet another run for a West Easton Council seat.
Not for the betterment of West Easton, but to satisfy her personal vendetta.

While I welcomed the opportunity for residents to see the real Mezzacappa at the December meeting, ultimately allowing fellow veteran and Councilmember Paul James to read from my DD-214 Discharge paper, at last night’s meeting I felt it was time to pull her soapbox out from under her. She was wasting the time of Council and those in attendance. She had her moment of failure in December and I could see that this would be commonplace for her to basically campaign at council meetings, if she was allowed to continue on what were personal grievances that wasn’t related to Borough business.
I made three “Point of Order” protests to the Council President. The first was that the Public Comments portion of a council meeting is for residents who want to comment on borough business. When she began asking me the question directly about my Honorable Discharge, as she did in the previous meeting, I made the Point of Order that all comments should be directed to the Council President (Chairperson). My last one, as she continued on, was to have the Council President make a decision of whether or not to allow her to continue on the subject.
When she finished, Council President Dan DePaul finally informed her that the subject has no bearing on the Borough and wouldn’t be addressed further. Something he should have done sooner, rather than after she was done making a spectacle of herself.
Rather than trying to convince the residents she isn’t the common scold they believe her to be by offering some substance to her quest for a Council seat, she continues to try and ignite a whisper campaign against yours truly. Nothing has been beyond her lack of a conscience. Going back a few years, it was calling my employer with accusations of everything from running a porn website, operating an illegal auction website, stealing a picture of her pig, hacking her computer, to being “dangerous” working with children.
All, like those that followed, were determined to be unfounded.
Most recently, it has become, sending her malware, “destroying” the office computers with ransomeware, and of course, calling into question my Honorable Discharge. She makes a quote attributed to Albert Einstein more easily understood than his theory of relativity.
She seems to have tunnel vision, being unable to focus long on anything other than, “Dees” and suing the Borough.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.