As usual, Mezzacappa, who reads things not written, believes she has uncovered gold, when it’s just worthless quartz only a fool believes has value.
Tricia Mezzacappa, aka Tricia Phillips, posted on her Facebook page that I lied in my resignation letter because, through yet another Right To Know she submitted on me, there was no “job” offered to me from Northampton County.
In my resignation letter I stated there was an “opportunity” offered by the county. Nowhere in my resignation letter did I say I was offered a job.
Admittedly, part of the reason was because I knew Mezzacappa would dive down rabbit holes trying to find out what awaits me in 2020 and would make a fool of herself in doing so. She proved me right.
My exact words in my resignation letter were that in 2020, I would be, “taking advantage of an opportunity offered by the County.”

Not surprisingly, cRaZy Tricia Mezzacappa falsely stated in her RTK Request that I announced I have accepted a job with Northampton County beginning in January of 2020.
She is incapable of telling the truth, even in a simple RTK Request. Not only regarding my non-existent statement about a job, but also about me favoring secrecy in government, when the fact is she is a Vexatious Requester that uses the RTK Law to harass people and agencies.
I have pursued efforts to change the current RTK Law, so that it will address vindictive people like Mezzacappa, who use the law as a weapon, rather than for the public good.
I intentionally left out the details of the county opportunity because I knew she would go more nuts than usual trying to figure it out. However to keep her awake at night, I will neither confirm nor deny a job awaits me.
Was there a discussion by phone? In person? Maybe that’s why there is no documentation? I will neither confirm nor deny any of these possibilities, either.
Could it be I didn’t specifically state it was Northampton County for some reason? (Time for more RTKs, cRaZy!)
I’m getting immense satisfaction knowing she is wasting time trying to figure out what that opportunity is and where it is, when she should be concentrating on her defense of another Disorderly Conduct charge and that other charge of filing a false police report with the PSP.
It’s yet another epic fail by Constable cRaZy and I feel guilty for not paying rent on all that space I’m occupying in her brain.
She has so little brain to start with and considering she had a lien placed on her home, because she couldn’t pay her school tax, she could use the money.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.