A story appeared today on LehighValleyLive, the digital publication of the Express-Times newspaper. To say I was disappointed at the headline would be an understatement. “He” in the headline should be, “They.”
I called reporter Rudy Miller to express that disappointment. He relayed to me that it was an editor who came up with the headline and credited me with all the good that has been accomplished in West Easton – as if I acted alone.
The fact is, I gave credit to Dan DePaul for pulling together a new Council that first year we took office in 2016. Getting Borough Hall on track again, following the attempt by the previous Council President and former Councilman Tom Nodoline, to prevent business being conducted.
During interviews with Mr. Miller, I made it clear to him that with so many newly elected Councilmen in 2016, it was Dan DePaul with past experience on Council, who was able to get the Borough operational in relatively short time.
That never made it into the LVL article.
Another credit I should not have received, was that of, “[my] slate of candidates who ran in 2015,” as the story reported. None who ran that year were “my candidates.” I never indicated to Rudy Miller that concept, in any manner.
Again, Dan DePaul should receive credit for putting together a field of candidates that ousted the dead wood on Council, and allowed West Easton to correct what was wrong in our local government.
I gave credit to other people, including the voters who knew a change was needed.
I had hoped the story would be presented as a small borough that overcame challenges, making significant strides in transparency, capital improvements, and community safety. Accomplishments that were presented as impossible by a previous Mayor and his Council President daughter.
No doubt the story has ruffled the feathers of some former elected officials.
I am hardly the “savior” of West Easton, as the former Mayor mockingly referred to me. I get it, that the truth about his daughter hurts, and the Borough is now better off, without her running the show.
I’m only one of many over the years, who found solutions to problems he and his daughter were unable to address and correct. That didn’t stop me from moving forward on pushing for a park to be named for him, despite many who found his daughter making the Resolution to do so before leaving office, tooting his horn for him.
Ousted former Councilman Tom Nodoline called me a “newcomer and wannabe,” who “wants to run everything.”
“Newcomer.” Maybe – considering many from all communities have an antiquated mindset that you have to be born in the town where you reside, to be anything other than a “newcomer.”
“Wannabe.” Wannabe what? I have no desire for higher office. The only wannabe I have is, wannabe retired. On my houseboat and fishing off my back deck.
“Wants to run everything.” Been there, done that. I was Council President for 2 years, letting Council know I didn’t want the position at the next reorganization meeting. I’m willing to lead occasionally, but not continuously.
Paul James is better suited for Council President. He has the ability to recall things in a way that doesn’t offend, despite history contradicting his statements. I’m truthful, even when telling the truth will piss people off.
I attribute Nodoline’s statements to sour grapes and the ignorance of someone uneducated. He didn’t have the balls to stand up for the residents and do what was right. He could have pushed back against Kelly Gross’ improper acts. Instead, he blindly followed the orders of a self-appointed authoritarian.
After the computer fiasco, I worked to make sure he wasn’t re-elected in 2017. As it turned out, he didn’t make it through the Primary that year.
It’s sad Nodoline believes the Gold Star Fountain is a “stupid monument.” Perhaps. if he had actually served in the military, he might understand why men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice should be honored.
He should also know, during the course of all those years on Council, how grants work, if he had ever applied for one. The grant for the fountain was submitted as part of the improvements to our Monument Park. The grant could only be used for that purpose, and the money awarded couldn’t be used for the ballpark.
His statement of a “stupid monument” insults those who died serving our country, and their families. He should be ashamed of himself and apologize to everyone who lost someone defending his right to make a stupid comment.
Almost as stupid as his opinion West Easton should merge with Wilson, or Glendon Borough. Raise your hand, if you’re for higher taxes.
Almost as stupid as him stating West Easton shouldn’t be given grants. Raise your hand, if you want to go back to the days of nothing getting done, because West Easton didn’t have the money, or the common sense to seek grants.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.