LED Street Lights
Borough Manager Joan Heebner reported to Council that the installation of LED street lights is saving West Easton taxpayers $250-$600 per month in electrical costs when compared to old bills in the same months when the less energy efficient bulbs were being used.
Community Park Sidewalks Grant
Council unanimously approved the engineering cost of $10K to proceed with the installation of sidewalks along Gerald W. Gross Park. Grants totaling over $40K will pay for materials and labor of installing the walks and ADA ramps. The project is expected to start when warmer weather allows.
Approval of Funds To Begin Police Station Repairs
Council approved 4-1 (James, Dees, Mammana, Nodoline affirming – Lewis dissenting – Breidinger, Lake abstaining) $6,902.00 for Mayor DePaul to begin repairs on the old Borough Hall building being leased from Safety First V.F.C. (with Public Works Supervisor Dane Thatcher’s hours spent working on building being tracked separately). The building will be the home of the planned West Easton Police Department.
The breakdown of requested funds:
- $300 for repair of water damage around chimney area
- $950 for outside electric cable, meter, and hardware
- $409 for gas hot water heater
- $200 for restroom sink and hardware
- $192 for toilet
- $1550 for professional installation of vinyl floor tile
- $288 for 10 gals of Behr premium paint
- $1000 for ceiling tiles, front door push bar, widen bathroom door, misc.
- $1350 for Seasonal Help payroll (4 weeks at approx. 30 hrs/wk)
Review of Treatment Center Engineering Plans
In a unanimous vote of Council, it was approved to have our engineering firm, Barry Isset & Associates, review the engineering plans submitted by PA Venture Capital, for the Residential Treatment Center.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.