Our West Easton Borough Council Solicitor, Christy Schlottman, sought the solicitor’s position with Wilson Borough, according to a recent Right To Know Request that asked Wilson Borough for a list of names of who applied.
Wilson Borough chose another candidate for the job, but it raises the question of how much notice would have been given to our own council in order to find a permanent replacement.
Wilson Borough holds their council meetings the same nights and time as West Easton each month, which means if Ms. Schlottman had been the successful candidate she would have had to resign her position as solicitor for West Easton.
It is unclear why Ms. Schlottman is looking elsewhere, but if she is intent on leaving she should inform Council of that intention so that a replacement can sought, interviewed, hired, and ready to assume their duties immediately upon her resignation.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.