West Easton’s Parks & Recreation Committee is reviving the holiday lights contest. They are hoping this year will restart another community participation event that was abandoned years ago.
The P&R Committee, Chaired by Councilwoman Janie Jones Brown, along with its sub-committee members, Sharon Niko and Robin Strawn, have been working throughout 2020 to revitalize community participation and pride, even with the restrictions of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Councilman Ken Decker Jr., also a member of the Parks & Recreation Committee, was able to obtain donations of gift cards from local businesses, as prizes in the categories of decorating.
Holidays of all beliefs are included, which allows the aluminum pole for my own Festivus Celebration to be judged.
Contest Categories include:
GRISWOLD AWARD: Because you can never have too many lights!
FROSTY’S RECOGNITION: Best Decorated Business or Organization
MISFIT TOY AWARD: Best Use of Inflatables
BEST USE OF DECORATIONS: Holiday wreaths, garland, ribbons, & bows.
I am personally going to nominate my neighbor, Mr. Jeff Gross, on the corner of 2nd & Iron Street, for the Griswold Award.
Now, before anyone thinks I’m being facetious, I honestly think the time Jeff puts in decorating his home and the amount of lights and other decorations he employs on his house is commendable.
Sure, I have to put up black-out curtains on my bedroom windows and the occasional Boeing 747 has to abort a landing, but I do enjoy the view.

If you would like to enter the contest, or want to nominate another home in the borough, you can download and print out the entry form by clicking THIS LINK.
Entry forms must be received at Borough Hall by December 18th.
The entries will be judged by the Recreation Committee and the mayor.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.