West Easton residents are upset that almost 50 Cypress trees on the old Chipman Mill property were cut down along East Street. Developer Abe Atiyeh (more…)
New Recycling Bins Arrive
Thirteen pallets of new recycling bins, with lids, have been delivered to West Easton and are currently in storage until ready for distribution to residents. Every homeowner that pays a refuse bill will receive a free bin. Continue reading
The Bureaucracy Of A Grant Application
For the last two weeks I’ve been spending a lot of my free time trying to navigate the requirements of obtaining a $20,000 grant for (more…)
War Monument Area Prepped For Improvement Project
As you drive by the War Monuments and flagpole near Borough Hall you probably noticed it looks different.
Three trees were removed from the property, as (more…)
Ron Nixon Returns For West Easton Council Race
Former Councilman Ron Nixon, who resigned his seat in March of 2017, due to his mother’s need for care, is returning for a (more…)
Welcome A New Resident. It’s A Boy!
Proud father and current Councilman Jeffery Breidinger, Jr. has announced the birth of his first child.
Luke Owen Breidinger, weighing in at 8lbs. 11oz., was born (more…)