An engineer from Barry Isett & Associates will be paid to inspect the roof of Borough Hall and give his recommendation on how a roofer (more…)
More West Easton Road Resurfacing Approved
The 3-year plan to resurface all West Easton roads will see the second year of the plan completed this summer.
Council approved a $110,000 bid from (more…)
Advertising Now Available On West Easton Website and Newsletter
West Easton Council members finalized advertising and associated fees to businesses that want to promote themselves by means of our website and newsletter. Announcements from (more…)
State Senator Scavello Seeks Larger Littering Fines
State Senator Mario Scavello (R – Monroe) wants to deter littering with increased fines for offenders.
He believes that people may think twice about dumping trash (more…)
No CDBG Money For Residents Sidewalks & Curbs
The hope of obtaining a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) to help low income residents pay for new sidewalks and curbs was dashed at a (more…)