I went to the municipal building yesterday to pay my sewer/trash bill. Something that I hate paying because for both services I contribute relatively little. It’s just me in my home and most weeks I put out less than a half bag of trash. I’m all for a pay-by-the-bag system, but I know that would piss off a family of three, or more.
Though, that has never stopped me from throwing a non-aggressive comment about the fee, toward West Easton Council President Kelly Gross when she is there and I’m writing that check. Her response is usually along the lines of, “Move, if you don’t like it.”
She knows it takes a lot to piss me off and it’s almost harvest time on my backyard farm. I can’t move.
But, the headline is getting buried in this post and that’s considered unprofessional, so I’ll get to it.
I asked outright about the West Easton Police Department.
Me: Are we getting our own police department, or not?
KG: That’s not going to happen.
Me: Then I can expect my mill rate to be readjusted?
KG: No. That money is being used elsewhere. That’s why the budget was reopened.
Me: Kelly, you sold the 2.2 mill increase because we (referring to the residents) were told $165,000 was needed for a police department.
KG: If we got our own police, we would have needed to raise the mill by probably 4 or more.
I said something else to Kelly at this point and was then told she was done talking to me.
Now, I’m blunt, as well as honest.
The “bait and switch” is a tactic best left to Black Friday ads.
Why were two vehicles purchased and upgraded for police use, before the expenditure was approved by the council, if a police department was seen as unfeasible early on?
I’m told that West Easton is looking to buy a new snow plow. Apparently those we used this past freak winter storm weren’t large enough to handle the amount of snow. So, we’re looking into buying a bigger one – just in case we get hit with another 20-year record snow, next year.
I’m guessing that will cost about $165,000?
Currently, there are two new councilmen with another appointee to be named. Let’s hope they can do better, because this slush fund creation does nothing but lend credibility to a certain resident, who isn’t as civil, or nice, as I am.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.