Can West Easton residents eliminate a monthly phone bill? Yes, they can. Actually, anyone can with a device that uses Voice Over Internet Protocol service (VoIP). When VoIP was first developed, it was only available to users who used a service provider that offered VoIP through programs that could be accessed from their website. Talk time had to be arranged beforehand between users and connections were often of poor quality. Technology changed…
VoIP has improved and so has the ease of use. You’ve likely saw the ads for MagicJack years ago. A telephone was hooked to the MagicJack unit with a standard cord and the MagicJack was then connected to a computer using a USB cable. It worked perfectly, providing clear conversations, easy dialing, and all the other features one would expect from a phone line, but it had one drawback. Your computer had to be on for it to work. If your computer was off your phone would not ring, calls could not be made, and received calls would go to the messaging system provided by MagicJack.
More recently, an improved version, called MagicJack Plus has been released. It has all the original benefits of owning MagicJack, only this version does not require your computer to be on, if it connected directly to your router. It is powered by any electrical outlet.
Now, for those skeptics out there, this is to inform you that MagicJack Plus works… for most people. Just be aware that it is not for those who still use dial up to access the Internet. You must have a high speed Internet to ensure you have quality calling. Also be aware that the ratings by users are almost equally divided. When it works as it should, it receives only the highest praises. When it fails to work for some, it receives the lowest rating and some pretty disparaging remarks.
The reason for the huge opinion difference may be due to a number of factors, such as the type of Internet service being connected to, the actual Internet service provider’s equipment compatibility, the type of phone being used, and the following of instructions by the purchaser when installing it.
If you’re willing to take a chance, it does come with a 60 day guarantee.
To get more information on MagicJack Plus, CLICK HERE.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.