When I was informed that I would be receiving an award from Northampton County for “Outstanding Veteran,” I thought I was being punked.
Blogger Bernie O’hare must have blackmailed the awards judges into selecting me, ensuring I was eliminated from competing with him in the “Youth” category.
Anyone who served on active duty, and was honorably discharged, will always be a veteran. As years pass most of us don’t mention it, unless it’s to put it on a resume for a job, a bio highlight, gain a point on a civil service test, or to receive a 10% discount on purchases.
I hadn’t asked for the award. I have awards and certificates from my younger years, and at my age I don’t need more. Some are from the Navy. Most are from companies I worked for when I was a young man in management. What I knew in receiving them is, they won’t get me a cup of coffee, unless I add the correct amount of money needed.
The only awards of real value are the medals for bravery under fire, and I don’t have any of those. I joined the submarine service.
Better to die in an implosion, than an explosion, we used to say.
I had actually considered passing on being there for the presentation. There are far more deserving veterans than me, no doubt.
However, being recognized as a positive contributor to society and their community isn’t a bad thing. It’s certainly better than being a negative, disruptive, angry individual, who hates where they live, and bad-mouths their community.
It’s not such a bad idea for NorCo to recognize volunteers, employees, and others. Most especially, the youth who contribute early, and have a lifetime ahead of them.
I don’t put in the effort for accolades, or awards. Those things I do, or helped to bring about, were done because I love my community, and want to make it better.
Building and maintaining our borough’s website (and Glendon Borough’s new website) to improve transparency in government. A free Emergency Text System for West Easton residents, and their caregivers. The War Memorial Park improvements. Seeking grants to improve our borough, allowing taxes to remain stable. Our part-time Police Department. A new Public Works Building. Introducing new ordinances to improve public safety, and quality of life issues. My 100% attendance record for Council meetings. Ensuring the significant amounts of monies owed to the borough are pursued, and collected by check, or a lien, when necessary.
With the assistance of others on Council, our Borough Manager, staff, and volunteers, we have achieved a better community than existed previously.
I’m pleased my position as Councilman afforded me the opportunity and ability to take West Easton out of the Dark Age that existed in the years before 2016, when improvements were poo-pooed away, grants were seldom sought and few obtained, a Police Department was deemed impossible to achieve without raising taxes, and West Easton was run like a fiefdom.
It was all of you, who realized that West Easton required new people on Council with the willingness, and a determination in finding solutions to problems that were evident. Council members who weren’t minions, and would make needed changes in how West Easton conducted business. I appreciate the fact that being elected 3 times to Council has allowed me to continue planning and moving forward on improvements.
My Outstanding Veteran Award is to be mounted at the Borough Hall window. I want to share it with the community, because every one of you helped me get it.
I only hope there is enough space available to hold the massively large plaque I received, and the wall can support its weight.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.