I previously wrote of a Right To know Request being submitted, all the way from Monroeville, Pennsylvania, looking for all the information (emails, letters, documents) “to or from all borough officials, elected or appointed, related to the resignation of Councilman Matthew Dees, date range August 1, 2019 to date.”
Since there is an odd interest and obsession in my resignation, I’m posting all the information here, for the public to read, should they have the same bizarre and unhealthy interest in it, as my cRaZy stalker, Mezzacappa, has. This time however, she had someone else do her stalker work in obtaining information on me through the RTK process.
All the information sought through the RTK consists of one page. My resignation.
If Mezzacappa’s cohort in Monroeville, Mr. John G. Yakim, had asked me for it directly, he and Mezzacappa could have saved our borough manager some wasted time in answering another frivolous RTK Request. He got the letter from the borough and didn’t waste any time forwarding it to Mezzacappa.
UPDATE: After obtaining my Letter of Resignation from her fellow minion in Monroeville, it didn’t take long for our local malcontent Tricia Mezzacappa, aka Tricia Phillips, to whinny and snort. She apparently believes road repair, a public works garage, park improvements, and other accomplishments over the last four years is a useless waste of money, despite the fact that West Easton is currently more financially sound than it has ever been.
She also doesn’t support police and fire departments, because it costs money.
We can all be thankful this West Easton embarrassment and grant hating common scold was never elected to Council. People who are broke shouldn’t accuse others of not being able to balance a checkbook.
Below, is from our totally unhinged and hate filled “Constable,” who lives in her own Bizarro World of stupidity and immaturity:
Mezzacappa needs to grow up and become a rational member of society. Perhaps an adjustment in her meds would help?
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.