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Mezzacappa Continues Quest That Interferes With A Woman’s Recovery


Our embarrassment of a Constable, Tricia Mezzacappa, won’t let it go. She continues to seek information involving a woman who, back in April of 2018, found herself on the wrong side of the law, because of drugs.

The incident, as some may recall, had the woman entering my bus looking for her child that had already been picked up by her husband at the child’s school. The child wasn’t even enrolled in CIU 20’s program, but she was convinced he was on my empty bus. You may also recall that the woman, under the influence, assaulted me.

Numerous charges were filed against her, but for the young woman to qualify for drug rehabilitation treatment from the County, I had to agree to reduce the charge of Aggravated Assault, to Simple Assault.

I had no problem in agreeing to the reduced charge, with the hope that the woman would be able to get her life back on track and break free of her addiction.

For me, the incident is done. I’m told the young lady is doing well and like anyone, wants to put it all behind her. To make it less significant, I jokingly refer to it as the time I got my ass kicked by a girl.

The young woman could have an easier time moving on with her life and a fresh start, if it wasn’t for Tricia Mezzacappa. Mezzacappa is intent on continuously focusing on it.

Mezzacappa’s first involvement with the incident, that had nothing to with her, was to write a letter to the Colonial Regional Police Department (CRPD). In that letter she was her usual cRaZy self. Juvenile name-calling, lies, disparaging remarks, citing personal grievances, and finally concluding that I was to blame.

The officer who warned me about the letter thinks she’s crazy. I didn’t disagree.

She then forwarded that letter to my employer, using her other personality, “Tricia Phillips,” trying to make it appear the letter was part of CRPD’s investigation. Mezzacappa also put in a Right To Know Request (RTK) to my employer seeking all the information they had on the incident.

Considering all the RTKs my employer has received from Mezzacappa, her past accusations, and having read her screeds on the Internet, I’m sure they think her a nut, as well.

Mezzacappa has written about the bus incident on her Facebook Constable page, which is little more than an anti-West Easton hate fest, rather than a true constable page.

Most recently, she tried to get information on the incident from CRPD by submitting a RTK Request to them. She wanted everything, including witness statements.

CRPD denied her request, citing numerous privacy issues among the many reasons police are allowed to deny such a request.

In true fashion of one obsessed, Mezzacappa appealed to the Office of Open Records (OOR).

She was denied again, just 3 days ago. It’s one of Mezzacappa’s many losses that she fails to mention.

What Mezzacappa doesn’t care about is anyone else. Every time she puts in a RTK Request, the parties involved are informed that information involving them is being sought.

For a young woman in recovery, the last thing she needs is some nut out there trying to dredge up a past mistake, in order to make it more public than it already was.

Will the OOR’s decision to support CRPD’s denial finally end Mezzacappa’s bizarre obsession?

Knowing her, I doubt it.

She still has an opportunity to appeal the OOR decision to The Court of Common Pleas and Mezzacappa always believes she is right. She lives to file paperwork with the Court. It isn’t like she has anything better to do, like work a steady job.

Mezzacappa needs to end her stupidity. While nobody expects her to become a normal human being and good neighbor, she needs to let a young woman recover without the unneeded reminder that somebody she has never met wants to publicly rehash something best left in the past.

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The problem is, that requires empathy.

Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.