Like the R.E.M. lyrics to the song, the COVID-19 pandemic response from the populace and the different levels of government is becoming a mishmash of opinions and advice.
R.E.M. lead singer Michael Stipe was quoted as saying his lyrics were created by flipping the channels on his television, creating a diverse and often nonsensical rant.
Which is what I’m now seeing on television and the internet.
In the beginning, COVID-19 was a hoax. Then, it became a serious pandemic.
Some states are lifting stay-at-home orders, while others keep them in place, or extend them.
Hydroxychloroquine, a drug to treat malaria, among other diseases, was hyped by President Trump and right-wing conservatives. Now, the right-wing media has barely mentioned it after it was proven to provide no benefit and test subjects receiving treatment had a higher death rate than those who didn’t receive it.
There will be millions of test kits available. There won’t be enough test kits.
Don’t wear a mask. Wear a mask.
The curve is flattening. The curve is rising.
A vaccine is a year away. A vaccine is close at hand.
A second wave won’t be as deadly. A second wave will be worse.
There seems to be no agreement on any of it and what I’m seeing is any early agreements on how to deal with the pandemic falling apart, as state and local governments throughout the U.S. make independent decisions.
Personally, I see any unified plan coming to a total and complete collapse. States will re-open all businesses.
Pressure to get back to the “normal” is increasing from the population, who understandably want to get back to work and not be told what to do.
I anticipate, by June, the federal government, without Dr. Fauci at the podium, will declare the pandemic officially under control.
By that time the majority of states will have lifted their stay-at-home orders.
Everybody back to work, but wear a mask and wash your hands. The worst is over. Here’s another stimulus check.
It will no longer be a matter of saving lives, but saving the economy and jobs. It will be a herd mentality. The strongest will survive and it won’t be the end of the world. Just a different one for a long time.
And I feel fine.