Islamic State (IS), formerly ISIS, is bringing together an unofficial coalition of unlikely allies, as IS continues its terrorism in the Middle East by beheading those who aren’t Muslim, or even “true Muslims.”
Journalists, International Aid Workers, and Christian priests, among others, have been recorded, as they were beheaded, and those recordings uploaded to the Internet.
Filmed mass executions of civilians, executed with a bullet to the back of the head, are reminiscent of Nazi atrocities. Unlike the Nazis, IS willingly releases its uncivilized and inhuman conduct to the Internet, including the burning alive of a captured pilot.
Reports of killing women and children as they spread through Iraq failed to gain attention last year. Our assistance to the Iraqi Kurds, a force of lightly armed civilians who barely held their own against IS, was minimal until only recently, when air strikes supported them.
In the latest atrocity, 21 Coptic Christians from Egypt were beheaded in a mass execution that took place in Libya, necessitating the need for the Egypt to conduct an overt operation of air strikes against IS.
Egypt’s Air Force has hit IS positions in Derna, Libya, after the execution of the 21 Christian Egyptians by the terrorist group. Libyan forces loyal to the authorities have also targeted the IS in the country, a commander said.
Up to 50 militants have been killed in the airstrikes on Libya, Egyptian state TV reported.
Egypt’s military has issued a televised statement, confirming the dawn strikes and stating that the attacks targeted IS camps, training sites and weapons storage locations in Libya, Reuters reported.
Unconfirmed reports talked of Egypt following up with a second airstrike mission. The Egyptian military has promised there will be more response against the terrorist group.
The Egyptian Foreign Ministry has issued a statement, calling “for the international coalition against the Da’esh terrorist organization [Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL] … to take the necessary measures to confront the terrorist Da’esh organization and other similar terrorist organizations on Libyan territories.”
Egypt now joins its Middle East and North African allies Jordan, Morocco, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Qatar.
So far, apart from the US, which leads the Western military drive against the IS, the UK, Canada, Australia, France, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Spain and the Netherlands have participated in the operation.
Iran and Turkey have also intervened with their troops on the ground over the past year.
Syrian and Iraqi Kurds are taking part in the operation, mainly with the help of Turkish and Iranian forces.
I hardly consider myself a war monger, though I served in the military. I’d rather see disagreements solved through negotiation and diplomacy, than have them settled through the loss of young men and women in war.
IS, however, can not be negotiated with. They are fanatics and every civilized nation is finally comprehending that left unchecked they will continue to spread like a virus. The more they spread, the bolder they get, which should result in their own destruction, if nations that respect the sanctity of life, regardless of faith, join together to protect their right to practice their faith in peace.
President Obama should heed the call from Egypt to form a coalition. A true coalition of unified ground and air forces to deal with IS in its entirety, rather than sending in a few thousand troops to deal with hot spots in the region.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.