I’m currently developing a Borough ordinance that will better define burning restrictions, while allowing the use of small, manufactured fire pits for personal use.
Currently, West Easton relies on a “Nuisance Ordinance” that prohibits burning of any kind by prohibiting “smoke.” Enacted in 1981, it falls far short of being a well-written, thought out ordinance.
Under Nuisance Ordinance #338, the prohibition of smoke as a nuisance is so broad and undefined that, if enforced as written, anyone with a home fireplace would be in violation. Identified as, nuisance (10), it reads as follows:
Rather than just prohibiting “smoke,” better ordinances exist in most communities that prohibit “dense” smoke, as determined by using the Ringelmann Smoke Chart.
I’m also adding wording that will allow the use of small, personal fire pits manufactured for home use. There would be restrictions regarding their size, distance from structures, the type of material used for burning, and other safety measures.
I believe the residents of West Easton are capable of enjoying a small burn pit device in a responsible manner. If not, they’ll lose their permit, and the ability to use a burn pit.
There are additional problems with Nuisance Ordinance #338 that needs to be updated.
One, among the problems, is it doesn’t address the advancement in technology that has occurred in the last 40 years since it was adopted.
It specifically prohibits the use of gas powered model airplanes, but model airplanes are now available that operate on battery power. Model helicopters are also not addressed.
Drones, didn’t exist in 1981. An updated ordinance should have a prohibition on their use, unless a permit is obtained from the Borough, and the operator is licensed by the FAA, along with the certificate of completion for the safety test now required to be taken.
Council would, of course, need to review everything, and may have their own opinions of what should be added, or changed in either my proposed ordinance, and the existing Nuisance Ordinance.
Regrettably, I’m unable to get the birds to abate the nuisance of them targeting our vehicles.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.