Yesterday was the first day of distributing the new recycling bins and about 90 of them were received by homeowners who came by the Public Works Building to pick one up.

The new bins were largely paid for by a grant, as was the new Public Works Building from which they were being given out.
Mayor DePaul, along with Councilmen Mammana, Bolash, and myself, volunteered time to during the day to distribute the bins.
The process went very smoothly as the vast majority of residents showed up with a sewer/refuse bill as requested, making finding their account number, to record the serial of the bin assigned to them a much easier task.
If you missed yesterday’s distribution of bins there are a few more opportunities still available.
Pick up dates/times, at the maintenance building at 805 Ridge Street, for the Recycle bins are:
Tuesday, 4/30, 10am-4pm; Wednesday, 5/1, 4-7pm; and the last day on Saturday 5/4, 9am-3pm
– One can w/lid per homeowner per/trash bill provided FREE; bring your portion of the sewer/refuse bill with account number.
– The Borough is not responsible for lost or stolen bins after pick up.
– For multi-family dwellings, one bin will be provided for each paid refuse bill account.
– Recycle bins remain the property of West Easton Borough and may not be taken if the homeowner or a tenant moves.
LANDLORDS/TENANTS: If the landlord/owner cannot make it to pick up the recycle bins for their tenants, the landlord should email the borough manager (BoroughManager@WestEastonBorough.org) with the address of the rental property, the account number and the name of the tenant that will be picking up and signing for the bin. Please put “bins” in the subject line.
If you are physically unable to pick up your recycle bin at any of these times, please call the office after May 6th and we will try to make arrangements with you.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.