This morning I had the displeasure of finding the new MoneyPak virus on my computer (also referred to as, “Ransomware”). I don’t normally write about computer issues on any website I own that isn’t related to computers, but I’m making an exception on this, because MoneyPak is especially vicious. I’m also concerned that the people who live in West Easton, being for the most part computer illiterate, might be fooled into paying a ransom to get back use of their computer.
The MoneyPak virus appears as a full screen on your computer. Taking up your entire screen from edge to edge, it hides all the buttons you would normally see, such as the “Start” button. The screen informs you that the FBI has blocked your Internet access because you did something illegal. It also tells you that in order to avoid jail time, heavy fines, and to unlock your computer, you could pay a smaller fine immediately. A working link on the screen provides instructions on how to do that. It’s all a huge scam to get your money.
The MoneyPak virus completely locks you out of your start-up screen with no option of reaching anything that can remove it, or even allowing you to restore your computer to a previous date, before you had the virus installed. That is, there’s no option of reaching anything if you are totally dependent on your Windows start-up screen. That’s why, as you read further, I’ll tell you how to recognize it and what you need to do in order to fix your computer, should you encounter this virus.
MoneyPak was a surprise to me. I’ve caught a couple of viruses over the past 10+ years and they were much less intrusive than this one. The others never had me totally removed from my startup screen. The MoneyPak virus is convincingly well done in appearance that it fools a majority of people who aren’t familiar with computers. Different looking screens may appear on your computer and most will show your location and ISP information, which is done through coding that reads your computer information. Some screens actually have a small box that displays an image of you from your webcam, if you have one on your computer. It’s added enhancements to help convince you it’s real. My screen looked like the one you see on the upper left of this page (I’ve blacked out my personal computer information). Since I hadn’t visited a porn site yesterday (I was busy doing something else, for a change), I’m pretty sure I received it from somebody that sent me an email response from a Craigslist ad. Bastard.

Normally, you are able to get around a virus by entering your computer in “Safe Mode.” This is done by continually tapping your “F8″ key when you start your computer. The MoneyPak virus is sophisticated enough to override safe mode and will appear anyway. I had to go back to my days of using DOS commands, which meant using the, “Safe Mode with Command Prompt” option. DOS is a way to directly enter commands to access directories, or perform functions without a screen that provides clickable buttons. Using DOS is old school and even I don’t use DOS, unless I absolutely have to – like I did with this virus.
Now, this isn’t a post of how to fix your computer. I’m not going to give specific instructions. I was going to make a video of how to do this, but every Windows Operating System (OS), such as XP, Vista, and others, have different procedures. Also, I realize that I have probably confused many of you as soon as I mentioned, “DOS Commands.” You also won’t be able to visit this post, should you actually get the MoneyPak virus on your computer. But… I will tell you the easiest way to get rid of it and what to keep in the back of your mind should you start to freak, when your computer locks you out and you think the FBI is about to come crashing through your door.

The purpose of this post is to warn you that the virus exists, how it will appear, and that you don’t have to pay MoneyPak, or a computer repair shop, to get the virus removed. I did find that a number of people have already posted instructions on Youtube for removing this virus for every Windows OS being used and that is whole lot easier to pass along to you than doing it myself. For an example from a Youtube user of how this virus is removed from the Windows 7 OS, click here.
Here are the things you need to remember:
- The FBI will not lock out your computer remotely. Whether you’ve actually viewed porn, downloaded music illegally, or violated any copyright law.
- Anything that constantly appears and demands, or requests money for a “fix” or removal is a virus.
Removing the MoneyPak virus:
As I said, I’m not providing step-by-step instructions. Others have provided those, but do remember:
- To remove MoneyPak, you WILL have to have a second computer that is virus-free (borrow a laptop, if you need to).
- Connect the virus-free laptop to the Internet. Have your infected computer available and not connected to the Internet.
- Using the uninfected computer, go to Youtube.com and do a search (Youtube search) for, “Moneypak Virus Removal”
You will get a large number of video returns from Youtube. You may have to watch a few until you find one that discusses your particular Windows OS. The video will give you instructions on how to access your DOS screen, the command to type, and procedures for removing the MoneyPak virus.
If you feel that you don’t want to do this yourself, you can simply bring your computer to a computer repair shop. It should only cost you about $100 for something that takes them 5 minutes to fix (It may take you 10 minutes).
If you live in the area of West Easton, I’ll fix it for you. Since I’m not in the business of repairing computers I won’t set a price, but will accept a donation. You can contact me using the form below, but if you can remember to use a clean computer, go to you tube, and search “moneypak virus removal,” you will be able to fix it yourself.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.