At the West Easton Reorganization Meeting on Monday night my fellow council members voted for me, to serve as Council President.
I’m assuming the Chair previously held by now Vice-President Paul James, who felt he should give up the President position. HeĀ did a great job over the last two years. His employment obligations and other factors were mentioned in his decision.
I’d like to believe that with each passing of the baton for any position held on Council – President, Vice-President, and even a newly elected Councilperson, each strives to excel in their new position.
I’m no exception, which is why I’m pleased to have our former-Council President, Paul James by my side at council meetings, as Vice-President.
For the past 4 years, West Easton’s Council (with a number of changing members) has been able to move forward with improvements to the borough, while maintaining a sound financial footing.
It is my intention to continue improving West Easton by seeing the completion of projects like the Public Works Garage, and the roll-out of the part-time Police Department. After hiring a few officers to begin patrols, our borough will have some problems addressed and a visual law enforcement presence.
West Easton will continue to apply for, and receive grants. Grants, as most know, are not only part of our country’s economic stimulus, but help offset costs to small municipalities that can not easily afford to pay for improvements using only local tax revenue.
Now, with an approved police department, it too is eligible for grants dedicated for police equipment and public safety needs.
There are other items to complete and launch, but the list is long and I’ll save them for other posts.
Know that there are challenges facing us.
We have increased the donation money to the volunteer fire company. Legal fees have increased, due in no small part to one resident, but with the added cost of a lawsuit regarding the proposed Treatment Center also being defended. If we intend to see a few businesses that have entered the borough become good neighbors, ordinances in place may end up going before the court for enforcement.
There is a 7-year plan for properly rebuilding roads, but has yet to begin. We bought ourselves some years with slurry sealing, but eventually the plan will have to get started.
All of these challenges mentioned have been budgeted for 2020, but that doesn’t mean an unexpected expense, or another unfunded mandate won’t come from Harrisburg, or the Federal government, such as MS4, which still looms over our heads.
These first couple of days as Council President, I’ve been working on Committee assignments, assigning those on Council to their strengths and interests wherever possible.
There will not only be some changes to committee names, but there will be added responsibilities under those committees oversight.
I expect they will continue being working committees, with objectives to reach and goals achieved in the coming year.
I consider myself and West Easton lucky in the fact that the council members now serving are some of the most dedicated people. They serve because they care about the community and they actually work at making it better.
Be assured that I will do the best I am able for the residents of West Easton, and I thank my fellow council members for the opportunity to serve in this most important position.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.