In a rare show of unity on a major project, Council members sent a message to Mayor-elect Dan DePaul that the approach to repairs of the former Borough Hall will be performed with proper information of items that need to be corrected and the cost of them, before making a decision of the money to be spent in getting it done.
Mr. DePaul is currently Council President and has done an outstanding job in that position over the last two years, but West Easton’s form of government is based on the “Strong Council/Weak Mayor” system.
When Dan takes the oath of office as Mayor on January 2nd, he will gain the prestigious title, but will lose most of the ability to make decisions on borough matters, such as the budget and project expenditures.
The difference of opinion on repairing the building arose shortly after West Easton resident, Mr. Wes Beers, asked questions about repairs that were to be done and the cost of them, while presenting what can only be described as a pitch on the benefits of renting a “ready” building from his son (he quoted $1000/mo, but said it was “negotiable”), rather than repairing the former Borough Hall, that the Borough is now leasing for $1/yr. from Safety First.
Mr. Beers stated the Safety First building was “crap” and believed major problems existed.
Though Mr. Beers was presenting his beliefs of major problems as a selling point for his son’s building, he raised the prospect of possible repairs that should be investigated.
My concern was the rumors of work on the former Borough Hall building already being conducted under the direction of Mr. DePaul.
I pointed out to Mr. DePaul, when he becomes Mayor next month, he will be the Administrator of the Police Department, but it is the Council that controls the purse strings of funding. It will be up to him and/or the Chief of Police to provide Council with requests for money to be allocated from the budget for the Police Department.
I believe I saw his hair go blonde when I was told I no longer had the floor and would have to ask him for permission to speak again. He was obviously agitated by my comments and I was reviewing in my mind the same tactic used on him, by a former Council President.
Dan requested that any council member make a motion for $7000 to be spent on repairs to get the building ready. He cited a new water heater, sink, toilet, re-tiling the floor, painting, and other items, stating the Council can either move forward, or do nothing, as previous councils had done.
No motion was made on his $7000 request, despite numerous attempts.
Upon a motion by Councilman Lewis, following a suggestion by Mayor Gross, Council did unanimously vote to have an inspection of the building done by Barry Isset & Associates.
A report will be made of any structural problems that will need to be addressed, possible contaminants that will have to be removed, and repairs that will have to be made to the building to bring it up to code, if discrepancies exist.
Council will decide, under the leadership of a new Council President (not me), if and how repairs will be made to the building, after reviewing that report.
As I stated previously, Dan performed his duties as Council President exceptionally well in the last two years. No other Council member could have led the Council and West Easton out of the muck and quagmire that existed in 2016, in my honest opinion.
I can understand his eagerness to have a working police department when he becomes Mayor, but he also needs to remember that Council will have to answer for any missteps that may occur as we approach the repair of the building and finalizing the part-time force going active.
We plan on doing it right the first time.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.