Constable Tricia Mezzacappa (aka “Tricia Jenn” on Facebook, and “Tricia Phillips”) was found guilty of filing a false police report yesterday, following a 2-day jury trial.
Mezzacappa was elected Constable in the the 2015 election when a blank slate allowed her to win the position with a minimum of write-in votes needed, as she asked people entering the polls to write her name in. Ten people did, and West Easton residents have regretted it ever since.
During her reign of terror as Constable she has threatened to have a neighbor’s adult special needs child arrested for disturbing the peace, posted tow threats on vehicles, chased a car that rolled through a stop sign, and has sought to enlarge her role of constable by seeking deputy constables.
Her sentencing is scheduled for April 21st, following a court ordered psychological evaluation to be conducted.
Hopefully, at the conclusion of that exam, we may finally know exactly what is wrong with her, mentally.
Mezzacappa is still sticking to her story of having a gun pointed at her head and having fired her own weapon in response, so she has learned nothing. She seems intent on continuing down her path of irrationality and hate, as evidenced on her Facebook pages.
Those FB posts will give any psychiatrist a good look into the mind of Mezzacappa, who has a long list of targets she has focused on. Bloggers, elected officials, employees, neighbors, and others who have angered her all become the target of her hate and vitriol.
While she claims others are “nuts” we may very well get proof the squirrel is Mezzacappa. I have no doubt that the psychiatrist will be taking notes from her FB page on memes that appear to be from a middle grade student writing on the bathroom walls.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.