After hearing evidence, Judge Yetter ruled today that Constable Tricia Mezzacappa was “Not Guilty” of Disorderly Conduct. It was a decision I agree with, considering what I heard given in evidence.
The charge stemmed from an incident that occurred between her and a neighbor across the street, when the neighbor’s mother beeped her horn twice and Mezzacappa screamed, “Shut up, Asshole,” from her window, according to the mother’s testimony.
In return, the neighbor’s mother confirmed under cross examination that she used the word, “Bitch,” when responding to Mezzacappa.
Mezzacappa’s defense in her opening statement was to tell of a work release resident waking her up at 2 am with noise, show Yetter earplugs that she said didn’t stop the sound of the car horn, blame the Borough of West Easton in preventing her from doing her job as a “Law Enforcement Officer,” and to call me a “dirtbag,” who prevented her moving to New Jersey.
Her rambling statement and displayed paranoia, among other irrelevant complaints, didn’t weigh into Yetter’s decision. Her sanity wasn’t a matter before the Court.
The common occurrence of Mezzacappa disparaging me in her hate rants, which in this instance brought a warning of Contempt of Court from Judge Yetter, had no bearing in Yetter’s decision, as was Mezzacappa’s poor defense strategy of blaming others for her behavior and overall denial of the testimony given against her.
Yetter did well in attempting to keep Mezzacappa focused on her defense and not on her personal grievances.
It wasn’t a decent defense put up by Mezzacappa, but she didn’t need one.
While Yetter noted in his decision he didn’t believe Mezzacappa’s testimony that she “calmly” asked her neighbor to, “kindly stop beeping your horn,” he found that shouting the word, “Asshole,” didn’t rise to the level of disorderly conduct (such as using vulgarities like the “F” bomb would). There was also no testimony given that Mezzacappa used obscene gestures.
This was a proper decision by Yetter, considering the evidence against Mezzacappa in this case, which I have to agree, didn’t support a conviction of disorderly conduct on language alone.
A case against the neighbor, for allegedly slapping Mezzacappa’s phone from her hand during this same incident, will be heard at a future date, not yet announced.
Mezzacappa’s next appointment with the Judiciary is still scheduled for November 21st, when she will be arraigned on a more serious charge of Filing a False Report with the PSP.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.