Jack Andraka, a 15 year-old freshman at North County High School in Glen Burnie, Md., accomplished a feat of medical research that will go down in the history books as possibly the biggest achievement in seeking a cure for all cancers and saving many thousands of lives each year. Continue reading
Section: General Info
Mischief Night
Call it, “Mischief Night” or, “Devil’s Night,” the night before Halloween Day has had a long tradition of being the night when youth play pranks on their neighbors. From what I’m told West Easton doesn’t have a problem with anything serious being done, but it’s better to be forewarned and take precautions, than be taken by surprise. Continue reading
Obama Health Care Fines May Not Be Enforcable
One of Obama’s Health Care’s most controversial elements is the requirement that most Americans carry health insurance or face a fine. The Treasury Department in August released a 75-page guideline detailing what’s expected and who is included. Continue reading
WestEastonPA Has New Look On Your Mobile Phone
I noticed it and a few have told me about it. Viewing this website on a mobile phone presented a mish-mash of pictures and clustered entries that made navigation difficult.
The situation of mobile phone screens not displaying a website in an easy to read and navigate format is common. Many businesses and website owners don’t realize that mobile phones have overtaken PCs in their use of accessing the Internet. Continue reading
75th Anniversary of War of The Worlds on PBS

It took place on the night before Halloween, long known as “Mischief Night.” Just after 8 p.m. on Oct. 30, 1938, millions of Americans listening to CBS Radio heard the voice of a panicked announcer reporting that strange explosions were taking place on Mars, followed minutes later by a report that Martians had landed in the tiny town of Grovers Mill, New Jersey. Continue reading
Saving Your Computer From The Apocolypse
If your personal computer were to be lost, stolen, or simply smoke and burn, what is on it that you value most? Work related documents? Your novel? A thesis for that Phd? Maybe it’s a number of things, including photos that you never bothered having printed. Imagine that your computer is gone with no hope of recovering any of your files.
How do you prevent this from happening? Continue reading