Despite idiots who re-post fake news on their Facebook page that the Covid-19 pandemic is a conspiracy, posting videos from like-minded cRaZy people, the vast majority of us realize the harsh reality of truth.
The measures advised by one man to fight the pandemic have been met with resistance. The economy is shut down and people are collecting unemployment in record numbers. There are, understandably, unhappy millions in the country.
Despite the anger, when life eventually goes back to something that resembles normalcy, I expect he’ll be lauded with numerous awards and magazine covers when people are back to work. He will likely be credited with having mitigated the loss of American lives.

The person is Dr. Anthony Fauci.
Director of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Fauci is small in physical stature, but has achieved the impossible. With Dr. Deborah Brix assisting in getting the situation taken seriously, they appear to have President Donald Trump understanding what must be done during this crisis They did so without getting insulted, crotch grabbed, or fired .
Not getting himself fired is the most surprising, considering he has become the star, overshadowing President Trump despite being a foot shorter in height.
Fauci often needs to “clarify” incorrect statements made by POTUS, which he does in front of the news media. He does it almost immediately after Trump makes them during his daily pandemic briefings. Briefings that often turn into political grandstanding and berating reporters.
Considering Trump expects everyone to believe what he says and he believes he is never wrong, we’re not used to somebody openly correcting him, especially in front of the media.
One incident has now become a widely circulated video clip of Dr. Fauci doing his best to refrain from chuckling at stupidity, before giving himself a face palm, as he listened to POTUS refer to his own State Department as the, “‘Deep’ State Department”. Posted on Youtube and retweeted by many, one Twitter user summed it up accurately with, “That’s the way most of us feel when we hear Trump speak.”
Fauci, on the other hand, is trusted by the public. Those who lean both right and left in their political beliefs believe what he says when he gives us information. I’m referring to the moderates on both sides of center, who make up the majority of Americans.
That’s not to say Fauci hasn’t gotten himself in some rough water with his honesty.
Referring to the President, when asked by The New York Times about the incorrect information put out by POTUS, Dr. Fauci responded, “Let’s get real, What do you want me to do? I don’t want to act like a tough guy, like I stood up to the President. I just want to get the facts out.”
In an interview with Science Magazine’s Jon Cohen, who also asked about POTUS’ incorrect statements, Fauci was again forthright.
“I can’t jump in front of the microphone and push him down,” Fauci said, referring to Trump. “Okay, he said it. Let’s try and get it corrected for the next time,” he was quoted as saying.
When Fauci was asked if there was any repercussion from the White House for the face palm, he responded, “No comment.” That’s a pretty good indication there was.
While Dr. Fauci has kept his job, such honesty has brought reprisals from the right-wing nutjobs who tout their conspiracy theories, and their “fake news” mantra. Anonymous threats of violence has resulted in personal protection being offered to him.
It’s hard to believe Dr. Fauci is 79 years old. He appears as vigorous and energized as he was when he was first introduced to the nation, despite the threats and work schedule.
It’s also difficult to believe that he and his colleagues were able to convince someone like Trump to do a 180 degree turn on how to deal with the pandemic, pulling POTUS’ head out of the sand in the process.
Dr. Fauci has been able to accomplish it without any politicizing, gaining him respect from both Democrats and Republicans. Whether that contributes to his having remained on the job is unknown, but I’m sure the support from Republicans has helped protect him from Trump’s penchant to get rid of those who disagree with him, or cause him embarrassment.
I’m wondering if Dr. Fauci showed Trump a slide of how Covid-19 kills more old white men than any other demographic, and then “mistakenly” followed up with a slide that showed old white men giving him the biggest percentage of their votes in 2016.
How did that get in there?, I can imagine Fauci saying.
For Americans, the idea of our government restricting our movement is a difficult order to follow. Wearing a mask over our mouth in public is not something Americans have done. It’s all foreign to us and not easily accepted.
Though most of us find it repugnant, the fact is, if the pandemic is to be managed all of us need to conform to the new normal. At least long enough to see if it is successful in reducing the amount of new Covid-19 cases.
Meanwhile, The National Bobblehead Hall of Fame has announced it will be creating a bobblehead doll in Dr. Fauci’s image. It shakes its head with a hand extended in a, “flattening the curve” gesture. The cost is $25 with $5 of each purchase destined to the fight against Covid-19.
Preorders are being taken and I look forward to the day it is delivered to my mailbox.
I only wish it was able to do a facepalm.