When Americans voted there were very few undecided voters. Voters made up their minds months ago on whether they will be voting for Trump, or for Biden.
For many like myself, I made my decision to vote for a dead cat after Trump’s first year in office.
That’s not to say I didn’t keep an open mind during his first 12 months. I didn’t vote for him four years ago, but I accepted the results and him as President.
I had the naive belief that he would realize being President was a burden of working to ensure that every American has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Past presidents admitted they felt the weight of the entire country on their shoulders, when they walked into the Oval Office as President for the first time.
They realized the democracy of a nation was their responsibility to protect and defend.
That didn’t happen with Trump. He would screw over anyone to appear as a winner. He attacks, deflects, and accuses others, taking no responsibility for mistakes. Donald Trump was in it for Donald Trump and what better way to keep his power than to amplify the “Us versus Them” divisiveness in the country.
Trump proved tonight that he is intent on making the country pay for his election loss. The things he said and promoted as truth, were disgusting, disgraceful, and sad.
I never thought I would see a President use his podium in a press briefing and in the White House itself, to call into question the basic and fundamental foundation of our Democracy.
He began his first days in office attacking the media as, “Fake News.” He will end his days with the worst attack of all – one on The Vote.
Without proof, he called the voting process “corrupt.” He accused Democrats of “stealing the election.” He said the system was “rigged.”
All because he was losing.
He claimed he didn’t understand how he could be leading with large numbers in states early on, only to see those leads disappear when the counting of mail-in votes began.
It is because Trump told his Republican voters not to mail in votes, but to vote in-person. Democrats, on the other hand, overwhelmingly used mail-in voting. Of course his huge lead would be lost when counting of mail-in votes began, after in-person votes were counted.
Mail-in votes were overwhelmingly Democrat and for Biden.
Trump will lose a second term and he is trying to take an entire country down with him. Putin and every adversary must be smiling, as they watch an American President assault the foundation of our democracy.
Trump had a plan to stay in power.
News outlets that disagreed with him, or exposed his lies became, “Fake News.” CNN was the first on his list, but it quickly expanded to the major networks of NBC, CBS, and ABC. Newspapers also became his targets, as did magazine publications that disagreed with him.
The only one he found favor with was the FOX Network, with the ultra-conservative pundits who leaned as far right as one can get and guided Trump into lies they created and promoted as news, which Trump then tweeted out to his followers, which created another cycle of FOX promoting the same lies he tweeted, in a never-ending feeding cycle.
Trump curried the favor of racists and white supremacists, who saw him as their redemption and a more sympathetic President. They became more public and began crawling out from beneath the rocks, increasing their violence, often citing the rhetoric of Trump’s tweets and fear mongering speech during his never ending rallies.
It wasn’t just the hard-core racists who became devoted to Trump.
Among his number of supporters are those who claim they aren’t racist, but believe immigrants from the southern border are all invading criminals who take jobs from Americans, are relieved when a family member doesn’t buy a house next to a black family, or call the police to falsely accuse a black person of having a weapon.
While Trump promised to “drain the swamp,” he only drained it of intelligent people who were loyal to the Constitution, replacing them with those who were loyal only to him and his authoritarian agenda. He went through many before he found those who would protect him at the cost of their own careers.
In Washington, the ignorant, the liars, and the sycophants attached themselves to Trump like flies on dung. Americans who might have hoped for change and fulfilled promises, found they had voted for a snake oil salesman. Mexico won’t be paying for the wall. Farmers are doing worse than ever, he lost the tariff war with China, and manufacturing jobs didn’t return to the rust belt.
He turned his back on allies and embraced despots, openly praising North Korea’s murderous dictator, and trusting Russia’s Putin over his own Intelligence Agencies.
He has failed the American people, and having tried to ignore the Covid-19 pandemic while lying to the American people, almost 240,000 Americans have paid for his failure with their lives. More are paying for it with ongoing health issues that won’t be covered by insurance if he is successful in destroying Obama-care before he leaves office, because he still has not offered anything more than another empty promise of a new health care program.
While Trump will always have his base of support from the ignorant and/or hateful people who can relate to a narcissist and believe his every word without fact checking him, or his personal cheerleader squad at FOX.
So, why did America need a President like Trump?
1. Because he reminded all Americans of the risk we take in handing over the most powerful office in the world to a person only interested in himself. Trump was able to bullshit the gullible.
2. Because he provided a 4-year live demonstration of how the wrong person in the most powerful office in the world can destroy decades of progress with allies, adversaries, race relations, and even civility among neighbors.
3. He was the catalyst for not only getting a younger generation, who are less bigoted than the generations before them, in registering to vote, but also in getting those who haven’t voted in past elections off their collectives asses to do so again.
4. Because after this election, Republicans will be put on notice that America isn’t what they think it is, and a mistake like Trump, along with their inability to challenge a President from their own party will not be tolerated, unless they are willing to lose middle-road Republicans that make up the majority of their party.
5. Finally, we needed a President like Trump because with his latest assault on our democracy, the stain he leaves on our great nation will be remembered, and future generations will be reminded not to make the same mistake when the next wanna-be dictator and BS artist runs for President.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.