Top Secret operation “Ring Master” ended in failure when our most secret and newest drone was brought down by Afghan rebels using nothing more than a shoulder launched heat seeking missile, with the crash of the drone almost killing its attackers, as seen in the released video.
Officially, the Pentagon has denied the existence of the drone, code-named “Dumbo,” but a few who worked on the project since its conception in 1941 are anonymously confirming that the drone does exist. By all accounts the drone was to be used for surveillance only and had a capacity for long flight memory storage of all it surveyed.
“Though the initial cost of development was expensive, once it was operational it ran on peanuts,” one source revealed.
The drone also carried no defensive armor, or protection of any kind, due to its basic weight. Most thought it would never fly, due to its mass and poor aerodynamics. Some even felt it was nothing more than a small elephant and believed sending it out on a mission would result in tragedy not only for the drone, but for the new drone program.
As one technician put it, “Those in charge assumed that the rebels would pay no attention to it. It replicated a bird in flight, but they failed to anticipate that the rebels shoot at anything and everything, no matter how unoffensive it might appear.” He continued, “I told them the rebels would never believe the drone to be anything other than U.S. made. They would more likely believe seeing a horse fly, or a house fly, before they believed the appearance of this drone was a natural occurrence.”
Though it failed in combat, “Dumbo” drones may find a new use with Homeland Security. Rumors are circulating that they will be used to divert attention from the 20,000 weapons capable drones that are expected to be operational over the United States by 2030.
The captured video of the rebel attack and the resultant crash can be seen below.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.