West Easton homeowners living on 2nd Street and subjected to storm water problems came out in force at last night’s Council meeting. They showed up, looking to speak indirectly to someone they hoped would be attending, by addressing the Council.
They were aware of Council Candidate Tricia Mezzacappa’s public comments that a problem didn’t exist on their street and that residents should take care of their own properties.
However, Candidate Mezzacappa wasn’t among the public at last nights meeting. It didn’t stop them from speaking, though.
One came armed with his own pictures of the flooding problem in warm weather and what he has to deal with during the winter months. The Council passed along those pictures to each other as he spoke at the podium about his experience dealing with ice and water over the last two winters.
Another was angry that until changes were made to the roads and corners there was little problem during rains. Nancy Stout made her feelings known. Four generations of her family lived in her house and she never had a problem like there is now, she conveyed to Council. She gets some of the worst of the water and now has cement steps that are sinking into the ground, along with a basement that floods and sidewalks that are heaved.
Many spoke and all were given unfettered time to express their concerns.
What they really wanted was reassurance that Council wasn’t abandoning them, because of Candidate Mezzacappa’s opposition to the project.
They did receive that assurance.
It was made clear to them that there was a majority of Councilpersons who would see the project to completion, despite any protest by one individual. The preparations for a meeting with the engineering firm was in the works to review the situation and devise a solution. The $125,400 in grant money was going to be used for the fix.
A few residents may likely attend the meeting with the engineers, but as spectators only. This was agreed to by Council President Dan DePaul after a request by one of the residents, but it was made clear to the resident that they may only attend as spectators. The meeting between the engineers and the Borough representatives is not an open forum.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.