With West Easton now starting to address problems with some businesses in the industrial districts not obtaining permits, violating zoning laws, and other violations, Adamson Street, LLC is one business promising to be more cooperative with the borough.
Adamson owns the property on which a building is being leased to IQ Fibers, a manufacturer of paper insulation. As the property owner, Adamson is responsible for the businesses on his property.
IQ Fibers, which located in the borough last year, began construction without a permit and then continued operations despite a Stop Work Order.
On Wednesday, Magistrate Richard Yetter held a hearing on the two citations issued by West Easton, to Adamson.
Adamson, represented by Attorney Paul Harak, entered a plea on both citations, and was issued a $500 fine , plus costs on each.
In addition, Adamson had begun the permit process after being cited, but it is still under review because the borough’s Zoning Officer had not received all the information necessary to issue the permit.
On Wednesday, Adamson appeared with the additional documents, which are now being reviewed.
Adamson assured the borough it will provide any additional information requested.
West Easton welcomes Adamson Street, LCC now setting an example to other businesses in the industrial districts – some who are still less than cooperative in meeting their obligations to pay bills due, or clean up their properties.
The noise complaints about IQ Fibers were also discussed on Wednesday.
Adamson is aware of it and had taken steps to try and abate it, but had little success. Their next step may be to try some kind of “sound curtain,” which will hopefully be successful in reducing the decibal output of the large blue pneumatic drum that was erected between the IQ Fibers building and Lehigh Drive.
West Easton was represented by Steven Goudsouzian & Associates, whom the Council authorized to represent the borough on court matters where businesses fail to follow local ordinances and citations are issued.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.