Approved by the 2017 Council, an emergency text/call notification system got pushed to the back burner, as other priorities needed to be addressed.
As Council President and a member of the Legal & Technology Committee, I brought it back up to the front, inputting the data of those residents who signed up to join the system and tweaking the settings of the system provider.
It is, I believe, now ready to be added to West Easton’s Emergency Management Operation (EMO). The only thing left to do is give it a full test, in which contacts who previously opted-in to the system will receive what will be a mass broadcast of a single message.
West Easton Borough will be testing its new EMERGENCY ALERT MESSAGE SYSTEM on Friday, February 7, at approximately 10:00 AM.
The message sent on Friday will be:
“This is a West Easton Emergency Alert TEST.
This is only a TEST.
An actual emergency notification will be similarly brief. Detailed information and updates will be provided on West Easton’s Facebook page, and/or the borough’s website.
The alert is to make people aware of an urgent situation as quickly as possible, without delay. From declared snow emergencies that require cars to be moved from certain streets, to chemical spills, any hazard can be broadcast quickly and efficiently to residents who opt-in to the system.
Flying monkeys departing a Ridge Street address won’t be included.
For those residents, who OPTED IN to the system, you will receive a text message to your mobile phone, or a voice message to your landline phone, if you requested not to receive texts.
Landline calls may appear as coming from an “844” phone number, or a, “1-800 Service” number.
If you find you received a text or call, but did NOT wish to Opt-IN, please contact Borough Hall @ 610-252-6651 to have your name and number removed from the system. If you received both options, but only want one delivered, please contact Borough Hall and changes will be made to your preference.
Finally, If you did not sign up for the Emergency Text Alert System, but desire to be included, forms are available at Borough Hall, or you can download it HERE. They must be submitted by Thursday, 9:30 AM to be entered into the system in time for the test on Friday.
The system will only be used for situations in which residents should be made aware, ASAP (Declared Snow Emergency, Fire, Police, etc.). The system will not be activated for planned events, meeting notifications, or other matters that are not urgent in nature.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.