If you don’t have a 4-wheel drive vehicle you might want to stay away from West Easton until Spring. That’s because at 12:00 noon, more than a full day after the final snowflake fell from the recent 8″ snowstorm, West Easton roads haven’t been salted, sanded, or treated after being plowed.
The only road I found that appears to be treated was Ridge Street. Maybe that was because a resident who lives on that street would be putting in an RTKL for a copy of a receipt for road salt, if that road wasn’t treated. The rest of West Easton is filled with roads that are as white as the night it snowed.
While plowing was performed expediently, the question must be asked, Where is the salt?

Roads are compacted with snow that will quickly become ice and they are already slick. In my drive around town I noticed two vehicles that gave up attempting to go up a steep incline and turned around. I assume they opted for a less steep approach to get to their destination.
At a previous council meeting the public was notified that we would be getting our loads of salt from Palmer Nursery. If that option is not working West Easton Council needs to find a solution and find it quickly.
With a 2.2 mil tax increase just having been approved, the first order of business is to keep the citizenry happy. You don’t accomplish that by going “green” and hoping the sun will melt off snow in the roadways during sub-zero weather.

The contrast in the lack of services in this instance is blatantly apparent by simply driving along Iron Street and looking to the right and left. Wilson Borough salted their roads and much of the snow has already melted. Looking down the West Easton side has you contemplating putting on some snow skis.
I can live with a mil rate increase when it’s necessary to maintain services. I can’t live with it when what I’m promised isn’t delivered, and I’m paying more for the lack of it.

Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.