Not that there was much appeal to start with.
When the initial verdict against Pro Se “extraordinaire” Tricia Mezzacappa was handed down for defaming local blogger, Bernie O’Hare, she posted numerous comments, on numerous blogs and websites, using numerous identities, that it would never stand.
Apparently, her main claim in her appeal was that she wasn’t properly served by mail – one of the weakest grounds to appeal a verdict, but I’m not the super Pro Se litigant Mezzacappa claims to be, so what do I know.
I only know the higher court hasn’t agreed with her, or the numerous ways she said it.
Bernie O’Hare blogged this morning that Mezzacappa lost her appeal in a decision handed down by Judge Koury.
Personally, I’m happy for O’Hare. I know what it is like to be slandered by Mezzacappa.
She made innuendo of pedophilia, She said I was running pornographic websites, and she called my employer in an attempt to get me fired, among the many twisted, unconscionable deeds she has perpetrated.
I have absolutely no sympathy for her.
She likes to mention Karma – That which goes around comes back around. Well, it just came back around on Tricia Mezzacappa.
O’Hare states he will begin execution of the monetary judgment against her immediately (spelled, “judgement” in Mezzacappa’s world). That judgment is now in excess of $68,200 after adding interest that has been accumulating.
Though she transferred ownership of her Ridge Street home to her mother in an attempt to prevent O’Hare from taking it, any layperson can recognize that it was an illegal conveyance, performed after the original judgment was entered. But hey, I’m not a Kung Fu Pro Se Master, like Mezzacappa.
That’s right. Currently, Mezzacappa is a tenant living in West Easton. She doesn’t pay taxes and isn’t a homeowner. Something to remember the next time she screams about how she can’t afford to live here because her taxes increase.
So, have the welcoming committee start baking.
West Easton could be getting a new resident on Ridge Street.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.