Police Department Consultant Robert Mahady reported to Council that Harrisburg has approved West Easton operating a legitimate law enforcement agency and it now shows, “West Easton Police Department” in correspondence and on a state website for police use.
“It’s the first police department in 30 years that has been approved, that wasn’t a prior police department (“prior” being a police department that formed a regional police department),” said Mahady.
Some boroughs have combined their forces into regional departments. Other towns have chosen to leave their regionals and disband completely, now depending solely on Pennsylvania State Police (PSP).
Unsatisfied with the lack of patrols by PSP, slow response time, and unwillingness to enforce local ordinances, West Easton is moving toward its own part-time police department.
Though not a 100% solution to the problem of police protection, a part-time police force will be able to alleviate many of the issues the borough faces when residents disregard local ordinances, or non-residents abandon or park vehicles illegally.
Mr. Mahady reported that there is still more to do and everything has to be “married together,” such as a Records Management System and the installation of computers with software that has to be installed by approved technicians.
On West Easton’s side, part of bringing it all together requires the police department building being completely ready for business, which would include office equipment, service connections, and final construction being completed inside.
Other needs still pending are items that relate to the everyday business of police work, from uniforms and manuals, to fully equipped vehicles.
Mr. Mahady will be meeting with the Safety Committee the first week in December with a checklist of purchases needed and costs. The Safety Committee will present its recommendations at a following Council Meeting.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.