There was a time in West Easton when Democrats ruled our mighty metropolis. A number of former elected officials in West Easton were DINOs, but the majority of residents were Democrats and you had to be registered as one, to get elected.
While DINOs still exist, they may not be aware that the demographics of West Easton voting has shifted since 2012, when Democrats won West Easton handily in every race.
There has been a shift toward voting Republican, after 2014 in West Easton. Perhaps Trump found many followers and the gullible, or more Republicans are buying the homes of the older Ds who are selling and moving.
In 2016, Trump received about 53.5% of West Easton votes. In 2020, his percentage of votes increased slightly to 54.1%
In 2021, West Easton’s majority voted for all the Republicans running for County Council seats. Even a MAGA nut like Steve Lynch got more votes than Lamont McClure, for County Executive.
In this 2022 mid-term election, it was anything but a Democratic sweep. Mastriano was the only Republican who didn’t win West Easton.
Of the 801 registered voters (down from 825 in 2020), only 414 cast ballots. Of the 414, only 66 voted by mail. It was a 51.69% turnout, which is pretty good for a mid-term, but well below the 73.5% turnout in 2020.
The vote totals for the candidates in this mid-term:
U.S. Senate
206 (R) Mehmet Oz
191 (D) John Fetterman
203 (D) Shapiro / Davis
194 (R) Mastriano / DelRosso
Representative 7th District
211 (R) Lisa Scheller
196 (D) Susan Wild
Senator 18th District
203 (R) John Merhottein
201 (D) Lisa Boscola
Looking at the numbers of Democrat and Republican votes for every candidate, it appears the majority of voters cast their ballot along party lines, with very few crossover votes.
Other than the Governor’s race, West Easton continues to lean Republican. West Easton is no longer a “Blue” community. At best, it’s Purple.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.