West Easton votes today for a number of positions in the borough. Mayor and 4 Council seats.
Mayor Gross is unopposed and 5 candidates vie for the 4 council seats. All are 4-year terms.
Incumbent Democrats, TIMOTHY L. JONES, THOMAS NODOLINE, and LOUIS NIKO are running with Democrat DAN DePAUL, a former West Easton Councilman who resigned his seat some years back, but seeks a return to Council.
The lone Republican candidate for Council is TRICIA MEZZACAPPA. Mezzacappa returns on the ballot after a failed attempt to win a council seat in the last election. Mezzacappa also lost in the County Council primaries earlier this year.
Sadly, Ms. Mezzacappa should not be elected to replace any of the present West Easton Council. Her past history of insults, lies, distortions of facts, harassment, and other notoriety that includes courtroom convictions resulting from her behavior, indicates that she has neither the required civility, or basic courtesies, toward those she disagrees with.
I premised that last paragraph with the word, “sadly,” because West Easton does need some new blood on the Council. However, replacing tired blood with bad blood isn’t the answer.
Term: 4 years. Vote for one
JOHN BROWN Bangor http://BrownforExecutive.com D.O.B. 1961 EDUCATION: Bangor High School, 1979; B.S. University of Notre Dame, 1983 OCCUPATION: Consultant QUALIFICATIONS: 30 years of executive business experience creating jobs, managing budgets, controlling costs for domestic and global organizations; Four years as Mayor of Bangor Borough; 2011 Mayor of the Year by the Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce. RESPONSE: Jobs, Taxes and Economic Development. We need to invest in job creators, unleashing them to bring growth to Northampton County. For 30 years, I have been doing just this–guiding global businesses to unleash growth potential. Bringing this experience to the Mayor’s office, I guided the borough’s revitalization, attracted development resources, cut taxes while balancing the budget, turned a running deficit into a nearly one million dollar surplus. I bring these skills as County Executive.
JOHN CALLAHAN Bethlehem http://callahanforexecutive.com D.O.B.: 1969 EDUCATION: B.S. Biology, Moravian 1991 (Cum Laude) OCCUPATION: Mayor, City of Bethlehem QUALIFICATIONS: Senior Institutional Healthcare Consultant at Pfizer (12 years); Bethlehem City Counselman 1998-2004 (7 years); Mayor of Bethlehem 2004-2013 (10 years). RESPONSE: Creating jobs. As mayor, I led the effort to transform Bethlehem Steel grounds into a thriving economic engine that attracts billions in private-sector investment. I’ve worked to create thousands of family-sustaining jobs .I know the high-paying, 21st Century jobs are the key to keeping the next generation in Northampton County. As County Executive, I will use this strategic approach to engage with the private sector and create more jobs right here at home.
Term: 4 years. Vote for not more than five
PEG FERRARO Bushkill Township D.O.B.: 1939 EDUCATION: Nazareth Area High School, 1957; Kutztown University, 1961. OCCUPATION: Retired from Nazareth Area School District; part time Executive Director, Nazareth Area Blue Eagles Education Foundation. QUALIFICATIONS: Former Planning Commissioner member; Chairman of Zoning Hearing Board and Township Supervisor & Treasurer of Upper Nazareth Township; 18 years member of Northampton County Counsel, currently Vice President. RESPONSE: Fiscal responsibility must be first and foremost in all levels of government. Only by becoming more efficient can we stretch our tax dollars. Adams County is the first county in PA to do a serious restructuring of the way a county does business. It is my hope that the next County Executive and County Council looks at improvement practices to improve efficiencies.
HAYDEN R. PHILLIPS Lower Nazareth Township http://.haydenphillips.com D.O.B.: 1953 EDUCATION: Meyers High School, Wilkes-Barre, PA, 1971; B.S. Mansfield State University, 1975; MBA Lehigh University, 1980. OCCUPATION: Senior Information Technology Project Manager for Hewitt Packard (Enterprise Services). QUALIFICATIONS: First time running for public office. Leadership: Retired Colonel in the United States Marine Corps Reserves; Management: Technical and financial among diverse, competing stakeholders. RESPONSE: The combination of taxes; (school & county property, municipal, federal/state income, gasoline); creates a crushing burden. It is driving seniors out of their homes. Likewise, the cumulative amount of federal, state, county and municipal debt is staggering and is our negative inheritance to our grandchildren. There is a need for citizens (not politicians) to go in at every level of government and say this must STOP. I plan to be that citizen for Northampton County
GLENN GEISSINGER Plainfield Township http://GeissingerForCouncil.org D.O.B.: 1965 EDUCATION: Whitehall High School, 1983; BA Accounting, Moravian College 1988; ROTC DMG -Lehigh University ROTC, 1988; Named to ODK (National Leadership Society) 1987 OCCUPATION: Managing Partner + Alliance Media Group (Advertising Agency) QUALIFICATIONS: Run several small businesses; strong work ethic; graduate US Army Infantry Officer Course and Detachment Commander with the XVIIIth Airborne Corps (detachment of 150 personnel under my command); Currently run a successful advertising agency with employees and contract vendors nationwide. RESPONSE: Major issue: Fiscal responsibility and planning that provides for the continued strength of our county and care of its people. How will I address it: I will ensure that we develop a realistic current and long-term budgeting plan, thus our hard earned tax dollars will provide for the long-term care of our citizens, such as continued improvement of the quality of care at Gracedale and provide a viable plan to maintain our roads and buildings, our farmland, and repair and improve the county prison.
MATHEW BENOL Palmer Township http://www.matbenol.com D.O.B.: 1969 EDUCATION: Phillipsburg High School, 1987; BA Rutgers University, 1992 OCCUPATION: Production/Account Manager QUALIFICATIONS: Former Chairman Lehigh Valley Tea Party, 1 year; St. Andrews Lutheran Church Council, 3 years; Taxpayer RESPONSE: The major issue facing this campaign is the imminent cuts to the federal and state budgets. Regardless of who is responsible, cuts will be made to the federal budget. These cuts will result in reduced federal funding to the states. Pennsylvania will cut the funding to the counties, including Northampton County. I will hold every department accountable for their budget requests through $0 based budgeting. County departments need to prove their budget requests not rely on past spending habits.
SETH VAUGHN Bethlehem http://www.votesethvaughn.com D.O.B.: 1981 EDUCATION: B.S. Economics, Penn State University, 2004; Masters Degree, DeSales University, 2010 OCCUPATION: Physician Assistant QUALIFICATIONS: Private sector business experience in tax preparation for multi-national companies; Military: Operation Iraqi Freedom worked with government contractors to assist local government with infrastructure improvement projects; Physican Assistant with clinical and medical insurance knowledge; Member Lehigh Valley Planning Commission. RESPONSE: Institution of long term planning in a cost effective manor. Electing people who share common family values and do the right thing when faced with difficulty decisions. The recent loss of 26 million on a Swapton bond, lack of a functioning generator at Gracedale during power outages, and several bridges structurally deficint is not acceptable. Our current reactive approach increases costs and jeopardies safey. I will be a strong voice on council for responsible leadership.
DEB HUNTER Bethlehem http://www.votedebhunter.org D.O.B.: 1958 EDUCATION: Graduate Salisbury High School; Graduate Moravian College, BA History; Secondary Education Teaching Certificate, Moravian College OCCUPATION: Social Studies Teacher, Northampton High School QUALIFICATIONS: Nazareth School Board Director & past President, 10 years; Northampton County Gaming Revenue and Economic Redevelopment Authority, Vice-Chair 2009-2011; Bethlehem Human Relations Commission, Vice-Chair since March 2012; graduate of Northampton County Citizens Advisory 2012. RESPONSE: How do we responsibly fund our important institutions so that the county retains control and oversight as demanded by the taxpayers? Also, how do we prioritize that funding for programs in Human Services, Corrections, Juvenile Detention Programs, and proper maintenance of county infrastructure? Educated decision making by the council and the executive plus smart promotion of the county as a haven for skilled workers will attract high-tech and industrial development strengthening our revenue base.
RONALD R. HECKMAN D.O.B.: 1949 EDUCATION: Northampton High School, 1967; East Stroudsburg University, 1971-B.A.; East Stroudsburg University, 1989-M.Ed. OCCUPATION: Retired/volunteer; Member + Bethlehem Redevelopment Authority;Member + Steering Committee of Lehigh Valley Alliance for Aging QUALIFICATIONS: Former Northampton County Councilman, 8 years; Former Northampton County Director of Human Services, 8 years; Served on numerous boards and authorities. RESPONSE: The core responsibility of county government is services. Sources of county funding from the state and federal government are stagnant or being cut. The ability of the county to deal with inevitable increases in demand for county services with these limitations is the challenge. The county cannot simply transfer this tax burden to local property owners. I have the knowledge and experience to reform county systems and work smarter while protecting taxpayers from unreasonable burdens.
GERALD E. SEYFRIED Lower Nazareth Township D.O.B.: 1942 EDUCATION: Graduate Liberty High OCCUPATION: Retired QUALIFICATIONS: Elected: Northampton County Executive; 12 years County Council, President 4 years, VP four years, Director Court Services; Chaired County’s Finance, Personnel, Human Services, and Intergovernmental Affairs Committees; Served on Lehigh/Northampton Joint Planning Commission, Soil Conservation District, Retirement Board; Director Northampton County Development Corporation. RESPONSE: Major County issue is “loss of revenues and poor planning.” More than 60 million dollars in fines, fees, cost, and restitution are owed the County. I will work to replace the “Criminal Division” under the Courts control to improve collections of these funds. The County must implement the five year financial and capital improvements plan so we will never again have a crisis situation like we just experienced with the Wolfe and Bechtel Building.
CHRISTEN BORSO Bethlehem http://voteChristenBorso.com D.O.B.: 1969 EDUCATION: Liberty High School, 1987; NCC, ASS, 1991 OCCUPATION: Owner/President – The Shopping List LLC; Owner Eye for Detail Remodeling and Construction, Inc. QUALIFICATIONS: Breaking the Glass Ceiling YMCA Women Owned Business award winner 2012; member of the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission; Founder of Women Empowering Women, small business owner networking group. RESPONSE: I believe it is necessary to focus on the counties infrastructure. We have many bridges in need of replacing or repair. This must be done in order to not compromise the response times in emergencies, etc. I would also like to see the county strengthen their relationship with the LVEDC. I would encourage re-purposing the counties vacant buildings while protecting green space and human services in the county.
TOM O’DONNELL Lower Nazareth Township D.O.B.: 1943 EDUCATION: Graduate NCACC, Temple University; attended Delaware Law School of Widener College. OCCUPATION: Retired QUALIFICATIONS: CYO Coach for S.S. Simon and Jude, Bethlehem; Assistant Scout Leader, Troop 78, Nazareth; LNT Supervisor, 6 years, served as Treasurer, then Chairman; 37 years of experience in state government auditing and fiscal matters. RESPONSE: Attempted sale of Gracedale after 73% of voters in 2011, voted not to sell or lease it for 5 years! (26% higher then the infamous 47%); The issue is twofold: 1)Betrayal by those not seeking reelection!; 2) Addressing Gracedale fiscal problems in-house. My 15 years of experience auditing many County Nursing Homes for the Medicaid Program in PA. I never audited Gracedale, because of a potential conflict of interest! Certified Fraud Examiner for 12 years.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.