On even numbered years, boroughs throughout Pennsylvania are required to convene on the first Monday in January for the purpose of reorganization.
West Easton, like the other boroughs, will meet on Monday, January 6th, at 6:30 pm.
The reorganization serves two main purposes.
1. To select Officers of Council – President, Vice President, and a Pro Tem.
2. The opportunity to re-open the budget, if desired.
Why A Reorganization Every Two Years?
This is done because a number of council members are publicly elected in the prior year, which means the dynamics of a council could have dramatic changes when they take their seats in January.
The newly elected might not be in agreement with those remaining, how a council was run, the management of the borough prior to their election, or simply because some officers no longer want the position.
A good example of the need for reorganization occurred in West Easton, following the elections of 2015.
Three new council members were elected, as well as incumbent, Mr. Ron Nixon.
Council President Kelly Gross, Mr. Vernon Moore (an appointee of Gross and Tom Nodoline), and a vacant seat were all replaced by the voters of West Easton.
That shifted the dynamics of a Council and the borough ruled by Kelly Gross and Tom Nodoline. Gross was out and T. Nodoline had lost his power, including his appointee. That election also resulted in acts of spite.
On the first Monday in January 2016, Council voted Dan DePaul as President of Council, Henry Nodoline (brother of Tom) was made Council V.P., and I became Pro Tem.
Changes were made almost immediately. A new Solicitor was hired, the borough finally got a Manager, and a Treasurer. Borough Hall was also taken off of lock-down with doors opened to the public.
Electing Officers
The Reorganization Meeting is initially presided over by the Mayor, who will hold the gavel.
He accepts nominations for President first. No “second” is required. After all nominations are made, nominations are closed.
Officers of Council are selected by a majority vote of council members, with the first nominee voted on first. If no majority is obtained it moves to the second nominee, and so forth until a majority is achieved.
The Mayor can not vote as a “tie-breaker.” Council must, at some point, come to a majority decision.
Selecting a Vice President and Pro Tem follow in the same manner.
At the conclusion of these votes the Mayor hands the gavel to the appointed President of Council, who then conducts the remainder of the meeting. Borough business can also be addressed during this meeting.
Re-Opening The Budget
The budget for the new year can also be re-opened.
This affords new council members, who were not on council when the budget was approved the prior year, the opportunity to have input to the budget and make a motion for changes they may desire.
If changes are made, it requires advertising the new budget and another vote by Council to accept it.
It is an uncommon occurrence, but the possibility is made available.
I expect this Reorganizational Meeting may be more interesting than the one in 2016.
I’ll be there and hope you will attend.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.