As has always been done, and was done for all the 2019 Council Meetings, West Easton has advertised all the Council Meeting dates for 2020.
Meeting dates being advertised is one of the requirements of the Sunshine Act and West Easton does this for all the meeting dates in the upcoming year to save advertising costs. It’s far less expensive them all at once rather than individually throughout the year.
West Easton normally schedules two meetings each month and attempts to schedule them on the 2nd and 4th Mondays. The second meeting of the month is scheduled, just in case the first meeting can’t be held, or additional business needs to be conducted.
If the second meeting of the month is canceled, no advertisement is necessary.
However, Council looks at a calendar before approving the dates, because there may be a Monday wanted that falls on a holiday.
When that happens the schedule is adjusted to a Monday before, or a Monday following the holiday.
This adjustment of the schedule is usually needed every year, as it was just this past November, when the 2nd Monday fell on Veterans Day, November 11th. Back in 2018, Council scheduled that meeting date to November 4th, voted to approve the adjustment, and then voted to advertise the finalized meeting dates for 2019 – including the November 4th meeting.
Should anyone falsely claim that the November 4th meeting was “re-scheduled” at the last minute, then consider them cRaZy. It had been scheduled and advertised for the 4th, and had never been scheduled for the 11th.
2020 Council Meetings
As scheduled and advertised, the upcoming Council Meetings for 2020 are as follows:
January 6 (Reorganization), 13, 27
February 10, 24
March 9, 23
April 13, 27
May 11, 18 (Note: May 18 is 3rd Monday due to Memorial Day on 4th Monday)
June 8, 22
July 13, 27
August 10, 24
September 14, 28
October 12, 26
November 9, 23
December 14, 28
These dates can also be found on the Borough website’s calendar. (Just as they were made available during 2019). All meetings are scheduled to begin at 6:30 PM and are held at the Municipal Building.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.